
Computing College staff members

S/N Staff Full Name Department Academic Rank Area of specialty Research Interest Area Email CV
1. Dr. Yeshalem Gezahegn Computer Science Assistant Professor Computer Science and Technology Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks and Security, Machine-Learning, Data mining, Big-Data, Deep Learning;
2. Dr. Sofonias Yitagesu Software Engineering Assistant Professor/PhD/
3. Dr. Esubalew Yitayal Information Technology Assistant Professor/PhD/
4. Dr. Esubalew Yitayal Information Technology Assistant Professor/PhD/
5. Mr. Alebachew Chiche Information Systems Assistant Professor/MSc/
6. Mrs.Tigist Adam Information Technology Assistant Professor/MSc/
7. Mr. Betselot Yitagesu Computer Science Assistant Professor/MSc/
8. Mr. Seid Ahmyew Computer Science Assistant Professor/MSc/
9. Mr. Derbew Felasman Information Systems Lecturer/MSc.