Information Technology

Information Technology

Department of Information Technology is one of the departments under college of computing in Debre Berhan University. The department is responsible to provide students with a broad and flexible education in information technology, to prepare its graduates for rapidly changing technological fields, and give them a sound basis for professional practice, advanced education, active citizenship, and lifelong learning.

The department has started its teaching learning activity in 1999 E.C by admitting 75 new students (18 female and 57 male) in regular programs. The department has also started postgraduate masters program in Computer Networks and security in 2010 E.C. Currently, the department has about 420 students studying in both BSc and MSc in different programs (regular, summer and extension).

Profession Profile

Through document analysis on different research organization websites in the field of Information Technology and based on other universities’ Information Technology programs, It has been found professionals in the field of information technology do have:-

  • Thorough understanding of the balance between theory and practice and the essential link between them not only the theoretical underpinnings of the discipline but also how that theory influences practice in the real world.
  • Install, customize and maintain applications (network installation, network administration,design Web site, develop multimedia resources,install communication components and oversight of email system);
  • Implement and manage an automated information system
  • Take care of an organization’s technology and infrastructure needs.
  • A solid foundation that allows and encourages them to maintain their skills as the field evolves.
Hosting unit
  • College of computing
Duration of the program
  • BSc regular – four years
  • BSc extension – five years
  • MSc regular – two years
  • MSc extension – three years
Medium of instruction
  • English
Program education objectives
  • To produce graduates who possess the right combination of knowledge and practical skills to take care of an organization’s technology and infrastructure needs and the people that need it.
  • To produce professionals that take responsibility for selecting hardware and software products appropriate for an organization, integrating those products with organizational needs and infrastructure.
  • To produce graduates who will take the responsibility for installing, customizing and maintaining applications (network installation, network administration, Web site design, development of multimedia resources, and installation of communication components and oversight of email system) for the organization.
  • To produce professionals to work in organizations implementing and managing automated information systems for different scientific, educational, commercial and other purposes.
  • To produce graduates that plan and manage the technology lifecycle by which an organization’s technology is maintained, upgraded and replaced.
  • Zeynu Mohammed
    Head of Department
  • +251118961044