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Debre Berhan University and the Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI) Sign MOU for Research Collaboration
Debre Berhan University (DBU) and the Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI) have formalized a strategic alliance through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signifying their commitment to collaborative research for national development. The MOU establishes a framework for cooperation across several key areas, including: Biomedical and Clinical Research, Product Development, Research Infrastructure, Capacity Building, and Graduate Education.
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Debre Berhan University Hosts Third University-Industry Advisory Board Consultancy Meeting
Debre Berhan University (DBU) hosted its third University-Industry Advisory Board Consultancy Meeting in Addis Ababa, Harmony Hotel. The meeting focused on evaluating the progress and future direction of DBU's applied science education model which is practical-oriented.
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ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለኢንዱስትሪ አመራሮችና ባለሀብቶች የአመራርነት የአቅም ግንባታ ስልጠና ሰጠ
ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለደብረ ብርሃንና አካባቢው የኢንዱስትሪ ከፍተኛና መካከለኛ አመራሮችና ባለሀብቶች የአመራርነት የአቅም ግንባታ ስልጠና ሰጠ። ህዳር 05/2017 ዓ.ም በዩኒቨርሲቲው የኢንዱስትሪ ትስስር ዳይሬክቶሬት በተዘጋጀው በዚህ ስልጠና የኢንዱስትሪ ከፍተኛና መካከለኛ አመራሮች፣ ባለሀብቶችና ሙያተኞች ተገኝተዋል።
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በምህንድስና ኮሌጅ ስር ያሉ መምህራን በስራ ላይ የተግባር ልምምዳቸውን ለሌሎች አካፈሉ
ጥቅምት29/2017ዓ.ም፡፡ በደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የምህንድስና ኮሌጅ በ2016ዓ.ም በስሩ ካሉት ዲፓርትመንቶች ጋር በመነጋገር ለሀያ ዘጠኝ መመምህራን በተለያዩ ኢንዱስትሪዎችና ሪልስቴቶች ከአራት ወር እስከ አንድ አመት ልምድ እንዲያገኙ በማድረግ ያገኙትን እውቀትና ልምድ ለዩኒቨርሲቲው መምህራንና ማህበረሰብ እንዲያካፍሉ ተደረገ፡፡
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የኢትዮጵያ የአፕላይድ ሳይንስ ዩኒቨርስቲዎች ኮንሰርቲየም ተመሰረተ::
ጥቅምት 18 ቀን 2017 ዓ/ም፣ በትምህርት ሚኒስቴርና በድሬዳዋ ዩኒቨርሲቲ አዘጋጅነት በተልዕኮና የትኩረት መስክ ልየታ መሠረት በአፕላይድ ሳይንስ ዩኒቨርሲቲነት የተለዩ፣ የደ/ብርሃን ዩኒቨርስቲን ጨምሮ፣ 15 የመንግስት ዩኒቨርስቲዎች ባካሄዱት ጉባኤ የአፕላይድ ሳይንስ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ኮንሰርቲየም ተመስርቷል።
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Good News for Debre Berhan University Community!!
Unlock your potential in online education
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ደብረ በብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የትምህርት አሰጣጥ ስርአቱን ዲጂታል ለማድረግ እየሰራሁ ነው አለ
ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የትምህርት አሰጣጥ ስርአቱን ዲጂታል ለማድረግ እየሰራሁ ነው ብሏል፡፡ የቅድመ ዝግጅት ስራ በመስራትም በዛሬው እለት የአቅም መገንቢያ ስልጠና ለመምህራን ሰጥቷል፡፡
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Debre Berhan University Partners with Ethio Telecom for Smart Campus Implementation
Debre Berhan, Amhara, Ethiopia - Debre Berhan University (DBU) has reached an agreement with Ethio Telecom to implement a comprehensive smart campus initiative, marking a significant step in the university's strategic digital transformation efforts.
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Debre Berhan University Embarks on Digital Transformation with Cashless Payment System Through Partnership with Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Debre Birhan, Amhara, Ethiopia - [18/10/2024] - Debre Berhan University (DBU) has taken a significant step towards its digitalization aspirations by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE). This agreement will pave the way for a fully digitalized payment system within the university, enabling all financial transactions to be processed through CBE's mobile banking platform, CBEBirr.
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Debre Berhan University Participates in BRICS 2024 Conference on Mineral Resources and National Sovereignty
Dr. Nigus Tadesse, President of Debre Berhan University, recently attended the BRICS 2024 International Forum titled "Mineral Resources as the Basis of National Sovereignty - Personnel and Innovation Environment" held at the Saint Petersburg Mining University in Russia. Dr. Nigus joined a distinguished group of international guests invited to this significant event.
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ለነባር የመጀመሪያ እና የሁለተኛ ዲግሪ የእረፍት ቀናት ተማሪዎች በሙሉ፤
ለነባር የመጀመሪያ እና የሁለተኛ ዲግሪ የእረፍት ቀናት ተማሪዎች በሙሉ፤
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የቅጥር ማስታወቂያ
የደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከዚህ በታች በተገለፀው የትምህርት መስክ መስፈርቱን የሚያሟሉ መምህራን እና የቴክኒክ ረዳቶችን አወዳድሮ መምህራንን በቋሚ ኮንትራት ለመቅጠር ይፈልጋል፡፡ ስለዚህ መስፈርቱን የምታሟሉ አመልካቾች እንድትወዳደሩ ተጋብዛችኋል፡፡
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ለድህረ ምረቃ ትምህርት ፈላጊዎች
የደ/ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ2017 ዓ.ም የትምህርት ዘመን በ3ኛ ዲግሪ በመደበኛ /Regular/ እንዲሁም በ2ኛ ዲግሪ በመደበኛ /Regular/ እና በእረፍት ቀናት /Extension/ ፕሮግራሞች የ National Graduate Admission Test (NGAT) ፈተና ያለፉ ተማሪዎችን ተቀብሎ ለማስተማር ይፈልጋል:: በዚሁ መሰረት ዩኒቨርሲቲያችን ከታች በተዘረዘሩት የ3ኛ እና 2ኛ ዲግሪ የትምህርት መስኮች ወደ ፊት በሚገለጸዉ ቀን ተመዝግባችሁ መማር የምትችሉ መሆኑን ያስታዉቃል፡፡
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Debre Berhan University Hosts University-Industry Linkage Consultation
Debre Berhan University (DBU) recently held a consultation meeting on strengthening university-industry linkages, partnering with the Ethiopian Science Academy (ESA) and GIZ. The event took place at the MADO hotel in Addis Ababa. Various officials including Dr. Yishrun Alemayehu, state minister of Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MinT), has participated during the consultation.
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ለድህረ ምረቃ ትምህርት ፈላጊዎች በሙሉ፣
የደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ2017 ዓ.ም በተለያዩ የትምህርት መስኮች የ2ኛ እና 3ኛ ዲግሪ በመደበኛ (Regular) እና በተከታታይ (extension) ፕሮግራሞች ተማሪዎችን ተቀብሎ ለማስተማር ዝግጅቱን አጠናቋል፡፡ በ2016 ዓ.ም በሀገር አቀፍ ደረጃ በአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተዘጋጅቶ የተሰጠውን የድህረ ምረቃ ትምህርት መግቢያ ፈተና መሠረት በማድረግ ዩኒቨርቲያችን 125 ጥያቄዎችን ከነመልሶቻቸው በማዘጋጀት ተፈታኞች እንዲዘጋጁበት ተደርጓል፡፡እነዚህን ጥያቄዎች በደ/ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ Facebook ላይ ገብቶ ማየት ይቻላል፡፡
በመሆኑም ለ2017 ዓ.ም የትምህርት ዘመን በዩኒቨርሲቲያችን ገብታችሁ ለመማር የምትፈልጉ ሁሉ ዩኒቨርሲቲው ከዚህ በታች በተዘረዘሩት የትምህርት መስኮች በ2ኛና 3ኛ ዲግሪ ትምህርት የሚሰጥ መሆኑን አውቃችሁ የድህረ ምረቃ መግቢያ ፈተናውን Graduate Admission Test (GAT) በዩኒቨርሲቲያችን ለመፈተንና ለመማር እንድትመዘገቡ እያስታወቅን፣ ፈተናው በአ/አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተዘጋጅቶ በonline ላይ የሚሰጥ ይሆናል፡፡
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የደብረ ብረሃን ዩኒቨርስቲ የባህል፣ የታሪክና የቋንቋ ማዕከል እንደገና መደራጀትን አስመልክቶ የተሰጠ መግለጫ
የደ/ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከተቋቋመበት 1999 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ በተለያዩ የሙያ መስኮች ብቃት ያላቸውን ሙያተኞች በማፍራት ወደ ስራ ገበያው በማስገባት ለአገራችን ሁለንተናዊ ዕድገት በሚደረገው ጥረት የበኩሉን ድርሻ እየተወጣ ከመሆኑም ባሻገር በጥናትና ምርምርና በማሀበረሰብ አገልግሎትም ቀላል የማይባል ተግባራትን እያከናወነ ይገኛል::
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ደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለ16ኛ ጊዜ ተማሪዎች አስመረቀ
ሰኔ 27/2016 ዓ.ም፡፡ ደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በቅድመ ምርቃና ድህረ- ምርቃ ፕሮግራሞች በጤና፣ በቢዝነስና ኢኮኖሚክስ፣ በህግና በኢንጂነሪንግ የትምህርት ዘርፎች በመደበኛው፣ በማታውና በተከታታይ ፕሮግራሞች በመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ 882ና በሁለተኛ ዲግሪ 366 በአጠቃላይ 1248 ተማሪዎችን ለ16ኛ ጊዜ በዛሬው እለት አስመረቋል፡፡ ከነዚህ ተመራቂ ተማሪዎች መካከል 36% ያህሉ ሴቶች መሆናቸውም ታውቋል፡፡
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Debre Berhan University Achieves 90.8% Passing Rate in National Exit Examination
Debre Berhan University Achieves 90.8% Passing Rate in National Exit Examination
Debre Berhan University (DBU) is celebrating a remarkable achievement with a 90.8% passing rate for its undergraduate students in the 2024 National Exit Examination. This success comes after 13 undergraduate programs participated in the exam, with an impressive 5 programs achieving a 100% passing rate. The remaining programs all achieved passing rates between 80% and 95%.
DBU President, Dr. Nigus Tadesse, has extended his heartfelt congratulations on behalf of the university and himself to the graduating students. In a message, he acknowledged the years of hard work and dedication that led to this crucial achievement. He expressed pride in their success, emphasizing that passing the national exit exam is a significant milestone in their academic journey.
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Debre Berhan University Acquires CT-Scan Machine at Hakim Gizaw Hospital
Debre Berhan University has acquired a state-of-the-art Computed Tomography (CT) Scan machine (128 slice CT scan) at its Hakim Gizaw Hospital. This machine provides detailed images of any part of the body, including bones, muscles, and fat, organs, and blood vessels.
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Intel Corporation Engineers Visit Debre Berhan University
On May 8 and 9, 2024, senior engineers from Intel Corporation from USA visited Debre Berhan University (DBU). The delegation included Dr. Derssie Mebratu and Dr. Tesfaye (Senior AI Engineer and Professor, respectively). They were welcomed by Dr. Bethel Geremew, Director of International Relations and Partnership Directorate, and Dr. Getnet Ashenafi, Academic Vice President.
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DBU Organized a Joint-Webinar with the University of Heilbronn
Debre Berhan University has hosted a joint webinar with Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Two professors, Prof. Thomas Benz and Prof. Margareth Gefrerer spoke on the topics “Being a Faculty Member at a University of Applied Sciences and Knowledge Triangle: Education-Research-Innovation” respectively.
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Debre Berhan University Transforms Exam Processes: Transitioning from Manual to Digital with E-learning Platform Implementation
In a significant move towards digitization, Debre Berhan University (DBU) has initiated a shift from traditional paper-based exams to digital assessments using an E-learning platform known as the Learning Management System (LMS). This transition marks a pivotal moment in embracing technology-driven solutions that offer innovative services for the entire DBU community.
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The president of DBU held meetings with the 37th AU summit participants in Addis Ababa
The president of Debre Berhan University, Dr. Nigus Tadesse joined by the coordinators from the internationalization and partnerships directorate had two decisive discussion sessions in Addis Ababa with the 37th AU meeting participants from different African countries.
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Debre Berhan University Successfully Completes National Exit Exams
Debre Berhan University has concluded the national exit exams, which took place in mid-February 2024. Over the past five days, students from various departments have gathered at Debre Berhan University to undertake their examinations. The university has implemented cutting-edge ICT infrastructure to streamline the exam process, ensuring that all technical support is readily accessible.
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Debre Berhan University Commences National Exit Exams
Debre Berhan University has initiated the national exit exams, scheduled for mid-February 2024. Examinees from various departments convene at Debre Berhan University to commence their exams in the morning session. The university has deployed state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure to facilitate the examination process, ensuring that all necessary technical support is readily available.
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Debre Berhan University launched a joint Ph.D. program in GIS and Remote Sensing with Université Paris 8
Debre Berhan University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Management has launched a joint Ph.D. program in GIS and Remote Sensing with the Université Paris 8.
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Debre Berhan University College of Computing hosts Data Science Curriculum Review Workshop
Debre Berhan University's College of Computing recently organized a curriculum review workshop on the undergraduate Data Science program.
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DBU introduced a “French language corner” in the PG library
Thanks to the generous gift of the French Embassy of French language learning books counted over 60 and worth nearly 70, 000.00 ETB, DBU has created a section in the PG library called the “French language corner.”
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Debre Berhan University Organizes Practical Teaching Methodologies Training for Academic Staff
Debre Berhan University (DBU) has undergone a significant transformation, evolving into an Applied Science University. In response to this reclassification, the institution has re-engineered its pedagogical framework, shifting from conventional teaching methods to practical, skills-driven approaches.
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Debre Berhan University Council Visit ICT Park in Addis Ababa
In a move to fortify the university's collaboration with industry, the members of DBU council undertook an official visit to the ICT park in Addis Ababa on January 27, 2024, in response to an invitation from the organization.
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DBU participated in a workshop co-hosted by the U.S. Embassy and the Ministry of Education on strategic international engagements
Debre Berhan University has taken part in a two-day workshop jointly organized by the US Embassy and Ministry of Education from 16-17 January 2024.
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Debre Berhan University Staff Prepare for the Upcoming National Exit Exam
Debre Berhan University staff engaged in discussions about the forthcoming national exit exam, scheduled for the first week of February 2024. The focus of the dialogue centered around effectively coordinating the national exit exam within the university. Various teams, ranging from university-level to operational workers, have been organized to ensure the successful administration of the national exit exam.
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Debre Berhan University Management Signs Performance Contracts with Deans and Directors
Recognizing the impact of results-focused performance agreements on institutional outcomes, Debre Berhan University Management formally signed work performance contract agreements with Deans and Directors on January 24, 2024, at the university senate hall. During the signing ceremony, Dr. Nigus Tadesse underscored the university's commitment to employing clear and targeted Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to effectively measure departmental and individual performance. He further directed all university sub-divisions to adhere to this hierarchical work performance agreement framework.
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Debre Berhan University Establishes an Indigenous Knowledge Research Center; Hosts Community Consultation
Debre Berhan University conducted a community consultation with members of the Ankober town community concerning the development of the Indigenous Knowledge Research Center, situated 42 km from Debre Berhan. This site, located nearby the existing botanical garden in Ankober, serves as a hub for researching herbal medicine and indigenous knowledge. As part of the expansion plans, the university aims to establish additional sites dedicated to the study of indigenous knowledge, with a focus on integrating modern science and technology.
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Debre Behan University-Industry Linkage Advisory Board Holds Inaugural Meeting
The inaugural meeting of the Debre Behan University-Industry Linkage advisory board took place at the Harmony Hotel in Addis Ababa on January 18, 2024. Representatives from DBU and industry members who are part of the advisory board convened to initiate collaborative efforts.
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Debre Berhan University offers training for academic technical assistants and department heads
Debre Berhan University offered training for academic technical assistants and department heads in practical University organizational structure, laboratory and practical teaching.
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Debre Berhan University's Transformation towards Applied Science and International Accreditation
Following its recent reclassification as an Applied Science University, Debre Berhan University has redirected its focus towards pragmatic teaching, research, and technology transfer. This strategic shift has prompted a dedicated endeavor to realign the university's activities with its new mandate, emphasizing the identification of priority fields of study.
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Debre Berhan University Pioneers Digital Transformation, Aiming for Sustainable Paperless Initiatives
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Debre Berhan University (DBU) is a forerunner in driving pivotal advancements towards a digital future. The university’s unwavering commitment to digitization is evident with the establishment of a cutting-edge data center, enabling swift and reliable 3GB broadband internet access not only across the main campus but also at Asrat Woldeyes Health Science Campus and Hakim Gizaw Hospital. This shift towards digitization has facilitated a multitude of innovative services that benefit the entire DBU community.
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Debre Berhan University Launches University-Industry Linkage Advisory Board
Debre Berhan University took a significant step forward on December 23, 2023, by establishing the University-Industry Linkage Advisory Board during a forum held at Harmony Hotel in Addis Ababa.
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Debre Berhan University Successfully Deploys eduVPN!
Debre Berhan University, in collaboration with MoE, has effectively implemented eduVPN, granting the institution secure access to internal services from any location.
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በደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲተ የ12ኛ ክፍል አገር አቀፍ ፈተና የተፈጥሮ ሳይንስ ተፈታኝ ተማሪዎች የሁለተኛ ቀን ፈተናቸውን አጠናቀቁ
በደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የ2015 ዓ.ም የ2ኛ ዙር የ12ኛ ክፍል አገር አቀፍ ፈተና የተፈጥሮ ሳይንስ ተፈታኝ ተማሪዎች በዩኒቨርሲቲው ዋና ግቢና በአስራት ወልደየስ ጤና ሳይንስ ካምፓስ ዛሬ ሐምሌ 26/2015 ዓ.ም የተሰጠውን የሁለተኛውን ቀን የአፕቲቱድና ፊዚክስ ፈተናዎች በሰላም አጠናቀዋል፡፡
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በደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ እየተሰጠ ያለው የ12ኛ ክፍል ብሄራዊ ፈተና የተፈጥሮ ሳይንስ 2ኛ ቀን ፈተና በሰላም እየተሰጠ መሆኑ ተገለጸ
በደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ እየተሰጠ ያለው የ12ኛ ክፍል ብሄራዊ ፈተና የተፈጥሮ ሳይንስ 2ኛ ቀን ፈተና በሰላም እየተሰጠ መሆኑን የዩኒቨርሲቲው ፕሬዚዳንት ዶ/ር ንጉስ ታደሰ ገለጹ፡፡
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ደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲተ ለ2015 ዓ.ም የ2ኛ ዙር የ12ኛ ክፍል ብሄራዊ ፈተና ለተፈጥሮ ሳይንስ ተፈታኝ ተማሪዎች ገለጻ አደረገ
ደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲተ ለ2105 ዓ.ም የ12ኛ ክፍል ብሄራዊ ፈተና የተፈጥሮ ሳይንስ ተፈታኝ ተማሪዎች ሐምሌ 24/2015 ዓ.ም ገለጻ አደረገ፡፡በገለጻው ወቅት የሰሜን ሸዋ ዞን ብልጽግና ፓርቲ ጽ/ቤት ኃላፊ አቶ ኤልያስ አበበ፣የደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ፕሬዚዳንት ዶ/ር ንጉስ ታደሰ፣የዞኑ ትምህርት መምሪያ ኃላፊ አቶ ወሰን፣ፈታኝ መምህራንና አስተባባሪዎች ተገኝተዋል፡፡
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በደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርስቲ የ12ኛ ክፍል የማህበራዊ ሳንይስ ብሔራዊ ፈተና በሰላም መጠናቀቁ ተገለጸ
በደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርስቲ ሐምሌ 19/2015 ዓ.ም የተጀመረው የ12ኛ ክፍል የማህበራዊ ሳንይስ ብሔራዊ ፈተና በሰላም ተጠናቋል፡፡
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ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለ15ኛ ዙር ተማሪዎችን አስመረቀ
ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ8 ኮሌጆች በቀን፣ በማታ፣ በመደበኛና ተከታታይ የትምህርት መርሀ-ግብሮች በመጀመሪያ፣ በሁለተኛና በሶስተኛ ዲግሪ እንዲሁም በህክምና ዶክትሬት ያሰለጠናቸውን 2143 ተማሪዎች በዛሬው እለት ሐምሌ 13/2015 ዓ.ም አስመርቋል፡፡
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በ2015 ዓ/ም የ2ኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ማጠናቀቂያ ፈተና ለወሰዳችሁ ተማሪዎችየደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ2015 ዓ/ም የአገር አቀፍ የ2ኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ማጠናቀቂያ ፈተና ወስደው የዩኒቨርሲቲ መግቢያ ውጤት ያመጡ ተማሪዎችን ተቀብሎ ከትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ልዩ ስልጠና እንዲሰጥ በተመረጠባቸውና በገበያው ተፈላጊነት ባላቸው በህክምናና ጤና ሳይንስ፣
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የምዝገባ ጥሪ ማስታወቂያየምዝገባ ጥሪ ማስታወቂያ ቀን 18/2/2015ዓ.ም ለደብረብርሃን ዩንቨርሲቲ ተማሪዎች በሙሉ
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ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ያሰለጠናቸውንተማሪዎች አሰመረቀደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለ14ኛ ጊዜ በተለያዩ የትምህርት መስኮች በመደበኛ፣ በተከታታይ፣ በክረምትና በማታው መርሐ-ግብሮች በአጠቃላይ ያሰለጠናቸውን 2869 ተማሪዎች በዛሬው እለት አስመርቋል። ከተመራቂዎቹ መካከል 864 የሚሆኑት ሴቶች ናቸው። በመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ በመደበኛው 928፣ በማታው 459፣ በክረምት ስነ ትምህርት (PGDT) 1306 እና በክረምት 8 ሲሆኑ በሁለተኛ ዲግሪ በመደበኛው 12፣ በማታው 131 እና በክረምት 81 ናቸው። በሶስተኛ ዲግሪ Phd 2 መሆናቸውም ታውቋል።
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የደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በጤና ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ በመጀመሪያና በሁለተኛ ድግሪ ያሰለጠናቸውን ተማሪዎች አስመረቀደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ2013 ዓ.ም ለ13ኛ ዙር ሲያስመርቅ ለ4ኛ ጊዜ ሲሆን በአጠቃላይ ከ6ሺህ በላይ ተማሪዎችን አስመርቋል፡፡ በዛሬው እለትም 1 መቶ 58 ተማሪዎችን በጤና ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ በመጀመሪያና በሁለተኛ ድግሪ ያስመረቀ ሲሆን 84ቱ ሴቶች መሆናቸውም ታውቋል፡፡
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የአፕላይድ ሳይንስ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች በ2014 በጀት ዓመት ዕቅዶቻቸው ላይ ግምገማዊ ስልጠና ማካሄድ ጀመሩየሣይንስና ከፍተኛ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ከደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጋር በመተባበር ያዘጋጀው የአፕላይድ ሳይንስ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች የ2014 ዓ.ም እቅድ ስልጠናዊ ግምገማ መካሄድ ጀምሯል፡፡ በመድረኩም 15ቱም የአፕላይድ ሳይንስ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ፕሬዘዳንቶች፣ ም/ፕሬዘዳንቶች ዳሬክተሮች ፣ዲኖች እና የሳይንስና ከፍተኛ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ሚኒስትር ዴኤታ ሳሙኤል ክፍሌ (ዶ/ር)፣የሳይንስና ከፍተኛ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር አመራሮችና ሙያተኞች እንዲሁም ጥሪ የተደረገላቸው እንግዶች የተገኙ ሲሆን መድረኩም እስከ ሀምሌ 27/2013 ዓ.ም ድረስ እንደሚቀጥል ታውቋል፡፡
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ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የአረንጓዴ አሻራ ችግኝ ተከላ መርሀ ግብር አካሄደደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሶስተኛው የአረንጓዴ አሻራ ችግኝ ተከላ መርሀ ግብር ‹‹ኑ አትዮጵያን እናልብስ›› በሚል መሪ ቃል አካሂዷል፡፡ በመርሃ ግብሩ የኮተቤ ሜትሮፖሊታንትና የሰላሌ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ማኔጅመንትና ሴኔት አባላት እንዲሁም የደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከፍተኛና መካከለኛ አመራሮች፣ ሰራተኞች፣ መምህራንና ተማሪዎች ተሳታፊ ሆነዋል፡፡ በእለቱ ከ15 ሺህ በላይ ሀገር በቀል ችግኞች በዩኒቨርሲቲው ቅጥር ግቢ ውስጥ የተተከሉ ሲሆን ከ1 መቶ 50 ሺህ በላይ ችግኞችም ለአካባቢው ማህበረሰብ ተሰራጭተዋል፡፡
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Debre Berhan University Holds the 13th GraduationDebre Berhan University held the 13th Graduation ceremony on 29th, June 2021 G.C. at graduation Hall. DBU graduated over 3,100 students, who are able to complete their courses in different fields of study. According to the information from the Registrar, 3072 students in undergraduate regular, extension and distance programs,39 second degree /Master graduates/ and 2 PhD candidates in Mathematical Modeling today.
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የምርምርና የልማት ፕሮጀክቶች ፍኖተ-ካርታ እና የተቋማት ትስስር ሲምፖዚየም ተካሄደደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ እየተሰሩ የሚገኙ የልማትና የጥናትና ምርምር ስራዎችን ባዘጋጀው የኢንዱስትሪ ትስስር ሲምፖዚየም ላይ አስተዋውቀዋል፡፡ በሲምፖዚየሙ የጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ የደህንነት ልዩ አማካሪ ክቡር አቶ ገዱ አንዳርጋቸው፣ የሳይንስና ከፍተኛ ት/ት ሚኒስትር ዴኤታ ፕ/ር አፈወርቅ ካሱ፣አቶ መላኩ አለበል የንግድና ኢንዱስትሪ ሚኒስቴር ሚንስትር ሌሎችም
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ደብረ ብርሃን ዩንቨርሲቲ 7ኛውን ሀገር- አቀፍ የባህል ዓውደ ጥናት እያካሄደ ነውደብረ ብርሃን ዩንቨርሲቲ 7ኛውን ሀገር- አቀፍ የባህል ዓውደ ጥናት “ባህልና ኪነ ጥበብ ለሀገር ሰላምና አንድነት” በሚል መሪ እያካሄደ ነው፡፡አውደ ጥናቱ ለተከታታይ 2 ቀናት የሚካሄድ ሲሆን በአውደ ጥናቱ ላይ የተለያዩ ዩንቨርሲቲዎች ምሁራን የተለያዩ ጥናቶች ቀርበው ውይይት ይደረግባቸዋል ፡፡በአውደ ጥናቱ ላይ የመክፈቻ ንግግር ያደረጉት የደብረ ብርሃን ፕሬዝደንት ዶክተር ንጉስ ታደሰ እንዳሉት ባህል የአንድን ማኅበረሰብ አባላትን መልክ ባለው መንገድ አስተሳሰስሮና
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DBU Ankober Herbal Medicine and Biodiversity Conservation Directorate hold SeminarDBU Ankober Herbal Medicine and Biodiversity Conservation Directorate held panel discussion with a theme of “Fast Technique of Indigenous Knowledge Implementation for Improvement of the Health System of the Society" on May 10, 2013 E.C at PR hall.
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DBU hosts the 3rd Ethiopian Public Universities Internationalization and Partnership Directors ForumDebre Berhan University in collaboration with Ministry of Science and Higher Education /MoSHE/ hosted the 3rd Ethiopian Public Universities Internationalization and Partnership Directors Forum as of 6-7 May, 2021 Graduation Hall.
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የተማሪዎች ቅበላ ማስታወቂያየተማሪዎች ቅበላ ማስታወቂያ ለ2013 ዓ.ም በደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተመደባችሁ አዲስ ተማሪዎች በሙሉ የ2013 አንደኛ ወሰነ ትምህርት በአስቸኳይ መጀመር እንዲቻል የተማሪዎች ምዝገባ ግንቦት 5 እ 6 ቀን 2013 ዓ.ም. ጠባሴ ቀበሌ 09 በሚገኘው ዋናው ግቢ የሚካሄድ ይሆናል፡፡
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በደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በተማሪዎች መካከል የጥያቄና መልስ ውድድር ተካሄደደብረብረሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የሥነ- ምግባርና ፀረ- ሙስና ዳይሬክቶሬት የፌዴራል ስነ-ምግባርና ፀረ-ሙስና ኮሚሽን የተቋቋመበትን 20ኛ ዓመት ምክንያት በማድረግ በስነምግባር ዙሪያ የተማሪዎች ጥያቄና መልስ ውድድር አካሄደ፡፡
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DBU Celebrates Science and Technology weekDebre Berhan University Innovation and Technology Directorate celebrated the science and technology week as of April 12th – 13th, Graduation Main Hall hosting science and technology exhibition.
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ለ2012 የክረምት ተማሪዎችየደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የክረምት መርሃ ግብር የ2012 ዓ.ም ትምህርት በኮቪድ 19 ምክንያት መቋረጡ ይታወቃል፤ የተቋረጠውን ትምህርት በ2013 ዓ.ም በጋ በርቀት መርሃ ግብር ለማስቀጠል የሚያስችል የማስተማሪያ ማቴሪያሎችን እና አሳይመንቶችን ቀጣይ በተቀመጠው link በመጠቀም በየዲፓርትመንት ማውረድ እና Extract በማድረግ መጠቀም የምትችሉ መሆኑን እናሳውቃለን::
Click here ሁሉንም የመማሪያ ማቴሪያሎች ለማግኘት Click here ወደ ዩኒቨርስቲው E-learning portal ለመሄድ
ለበለጠ መረጃ 0118961103 ወይም 0118905706 ይደውሉ
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DBU Holds 12th Round Students’ GraduationDebre Berhan University (DBU) graduated over 3,300 students, who are able to complete their courses in different fields of study, returned from COVID-19 pandemic break, today, 24th January, 2021.
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ዩኒቨርሲቲው የአብክመ ጤና ቢሮ ባዘጋጀው የውይይትና የኤግዚቪሽን መድረክ ላይ ተሳተፈበአማራ ብሔራዊ ክልላዊ መንግስት ጤና ቢሮ አዘጋጅነት “የኮሮና ወረርሽኝን መከላከል እና የጤና መድህን ተደራሽነት ማረጋገጥ የሁላችንም ድርሻ ነው!” በሚል መሪ-ቃል በባህርዳር ከተማ ክልል ምክር ቤት አዳራሽ የኢፌደሪ ጤና ሚኒስቴር ሚኒስተር ዶ/ር ሊያ ታደሰ፣ የአብክመ ርዕሰ መስተዳደር አቶ አገኘሁ ተሻገር፣
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Fana Addis Tiwlid Ethiopia holds workshopFana Addis Tiwlid Ethiopia in collaboration with Debre Berhan University held workshop on “Awareness Raising on Prevention of Covid 19 Integrating Sexual Reproductive Health” for graduating students with the support of Youth Network for Sustainable Development,
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3 እጩ ዶክተሮች የመመረቂያ ጹሑፋቸውን በተሳካ ሁኔታ አቀረቡበደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በተፈጥሮና ቀመር ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ በሂሳብ ትምህርት ክፍል በማቲማቲካል ሞዴሊንግ/Mathematical Modeling/የትምህርት መስክ ላለፉት 4 ዓመታት ትምህርታቸውን ሲከታተሉ ከቆዩ 5 የ3ኛ ዲግሪ ተማሪዎች መካከል 3ቱ ለዶክተሬት/PhD/ ዲግሪ የሚያበቃቸውን ጥናታዊ ጹሑፍ በተሳካ ሁኔታ ማቅረባቸው ተገለጸ፡፡
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የደ/ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ማህበረሰብ ለኢፌድሪ ሀገር መከላከያ ሰራዊታችን ያለውን ድጋፍ ገለጸየደ/ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ማህበረሰብ “ለሀገር መከላከያ ሰራዊታችን ክብር እንስጥ” በሚል መሪ ቃል ህዳር 8/2013 ዓ.ም ድጋፉቸውንና አጋርነታቸውን አሳይተዋል፡፡
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Student Dormitory Placement
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DBU Education and Training Advisory council holds Consultative meetingTo begin post covid-19 education, Debre Berhan University Education and Training Advisory council held Consultative meeting on 29, October, 2020 at PR hall.
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Debre Berhan University offers training to Female leadersDebre Berhan University Women, Children and Youth Directorate offered training to University Female leaders on Leadership skills as of Oct. 05-06, 2013 E.C at PR hall.
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የበረሀ አንበጣ በአርሶ አደሩ ሰብል ላይ እያደረሰ ያለውን ውድመት ለመከላከል የደረሱ ሰብሎችን የማንሳት ዘመቻ ተካሄደየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ አመራሮች፣ ሰራተኞችና መምህራን በቀወት ወረዳ ልዩ ስሙ ራሳ ተብሎ በሚጠራው አካባቢ ተገኝተው የበረሀ አንበጣ በአርሶ አደሩ ሰብል ላይ እያደረሰ ያለውን ውድመት ለመከላከል ለወገን ደራሽ ወገን ነው በማለት በበጎ ፈቃደኝነት ዘመቻ አድርገዋል፡፡
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MoSHE supervision team visits Debre Berhan UniversityMinistry of Science and Higher Education supervision team led by Solomon Abreha /PhD/, MoSHE, Institutional Linkage, and Community Service Director General, visited Debre Berhan University for the re-opening of the university
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በአስተዳደር እና ተማሪዎች አገልግሎት ስር ላሉ ባለሙያዎች እና አመራሮች ስልጠና ሰጠበደብረብርሃን ዩንቨርሲቲ በአስተዳደር እና ተማሪዎች አገልግሎት አስተባባሪነት በምግብ ቤት ስር ለሚገኙ ከ250 በላይ የተለያዩ አመራሮች እና ባለሙያዎች ከኮቪድ እንዴት እራሳችንን እና ተማሪዎቻችንን እየተከላከልን ተማሪዎችን መቀበል እና ማስተናገድ እንችላለን በሚል ርዕሰ ጉዳይ ስልጠና ሰጠ፡፡
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ደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የ2013 ዓ.ም ትምህርት ለመጀመር ዝግጅት ማድረጉን አሳወቀደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የ2013 ዓ.ም ትምህርት ለመጀመር ዝግጅት ማድረጉን አስታወቀ፡፡የዩኒቨርሲቲው የተማሪዎች አገልግሎት ዳይሬክቶሬት ዳይሬክተር አቶ አለምነው መልካሙ እንዳስታወቁት የ2013 ዓ.ም የትምህርት ዘመን እንደሚታወቀው ከኮሮና ቫይረስ ወረርሽኝ ጋር በተያያዘ በ2012 ዓ.ም የተቋረጠውን ትምህርት ማጠናቀቅ፣
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ደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በእንሳሮ ወረዳ ጉዳት ለደረሰባቸው አርሶ አደሮች ድጋፍ አደረገደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በእንሳሮ ወረዳ በሬሳ ቀበሌ በረዶ ቀላቅሎ በጣለው ዝናብ ምክንያት በመኖሪያ ቤቶች፣ በሰብል እና በእንሰሳት ላይ እጅግ ከፍተኛ ጉዳት ለደረሰባቸው አርሶ አደሮች ከ1ሚልዮን ብር በላይ ግምት ያለው ለቤት መስሪያ የሚሆን 5ሺህ ቆርቆሮ መስከረም 19 ቀን 2013 ዓ.ም ድጋፍ አደረገ፡፡
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የቨርሚ ሻይ ፈሳሽ ማዳበሪያና ኮምፖስት ውጤቶችን ለተጠቃሚዎች በሽያጭ አስረከበየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ መምህርና ተመራማሪ ዶ/ር ገዛኸኝ ደግፌ በሽያጩ ርክክብ ወቅት እንዳስታወቁት የቨርሚ ኮምፖስት ፕሮጀክት የተጀመረው የኢትዮ ዴች የአትክልትና ፍራፍሬ ልማት ፕሮጀክት /Ethio-Duetch Horticultural Development Project/
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Advocacy workshop holdsFana Addis Tiwlid Ethiopia in collaboration with Debre Berhan University held advocacy workshop on the impact of “Covid 19 pandemic on AYSRH: Role of Community, Religious Institutions and government”
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Zerihun AsegidBio: Zerihun Asegid received his LL.B and LL.M (in tax and investment laws) from Haramaya and Mekelle Universities respectively. He began his teaching career at Wollo University in 2012 and then moved to Debre Berhan University in 2016. He has published academic articles in law journals. As of 2019/20, he is a Ph.D. student of law at Bahir Dar University. Publications
Areas of Research Interest
Contact Address:- Cell Phone: +251-909540020 Email:
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Honelign HailuHonelign Hailu Mekonnen [Former Dean, College of Law] Bio: Honelign Hailu Mekonnen is lecturer of law at Debre Berhan University College of Law since October 2013. Before he joined Debre Berhan University, Honelign served as lecturer of law and founding member of Madawalabu University department of law. He had also been Academic Quality Assurance and Relevance Coordinator of College of Law (December 2014-May 2017) and dean of Debre Berhan University College of Law since May 2017 until he began his PhD study. Honelign has got his LL.B Degree from Mekelle University School of Law with distinction in 2008 and his LL.M in Human Rights Law from Addis Ababa University School of Law in 2011. Since October, Honelign is pursuing his PhD in Human Rights at Addis Ababa University Center for Human Rights. Research Works
Honelign’s interests of research are generally related to human rights and specifically related to freedom of expression and hate speech; the rights of internally displaced persons; the right to self-determination; the rights of vulnerable groups; grave violations of human rights such as genocide, crimes against humanity, torture; and transitional justice. Community Service Engagements
Contact Address Email: Linkedin: Researchgate: Cell Phone: +251 942 530883 For more information, see Honelign’s CV here.
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College of Law Photo gallery[gallery columns="3" filter="no"] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/photos/photo1.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/photos/photo2.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/photos/photo3.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/photos/photo4.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/photos/photo5.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/photos/photo6.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/photos/photo7.png"/]
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Callege of law photo galleryBefeqadu Hailu, blogger and CARD executive director visited DBU College of Law
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Research StudiesResearch studies conducted by our staff under the sponsorship of the University
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Capacity Building TrainingSome selected capacity building trainings by our staff
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DBU holds five years Strategic plan performance evaluationDebre Berhan University council held the Strategic Plan of growth transformation plan (GTP2) activities performance evaluation on August 05, 2020 G.C at main hall.
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Staff Profile
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Department of Biomedical SciencesOverview The department of Biomedical Sciences was established in the institute of medicine and health sciences, college of medicine, Debre Berhan University in 2011. The Department is engaged in the teaching of all biomedical courses/modules to the preclinical undergraduate medical students, undergraduate students of pharmacy, nursing, medical laboratory science, midwifery, anesthesia, health officers, neonatal nursing, pediatric nursing, surgical nursing, and sport science. Mission and Vision
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ደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ያሰለጠናቸውን የድህረምረቃ ተማሪዎች አስመረቀደብረብርሃን ዩነቨርስቲ በቀን፣በማታና በከረምት መርሃ ግብር ያስለጠናቸውን 261 የድህረምረቃ ተማሪዎች ዛሬ አስመርቋል፡፡ከተመራቂ ተማሪዎቹ መካከል 52ቱ ሴቶች መሆናቸውም ታውቋል፡፡
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Zekarias BeshahZekarias Beshah Abebe [Acting Dean, College of Law] Bio:Zekarias Beshah Abebe is an assistant professor in law and acting dean at the College of Law, Debre Berhan University. He earned his first degree in Law from Jimma University (2008) with distinction, and his Master’s degree in Public International Law from Addis Ababa University (2011). While his background is in law, he also did an MSc in Security, Leadership and Society at king’s College London which further broadens his expertise into the area of peace and security in the context of developing society. Zekarias has been an African Leadership Centre Peace, Security and development fellow at King’s College London (2016/17), African Junior Professionals Fellow of the International Peace Institute (New York based independent non-profit lobby group), and a research intern at the University of Cape Town’s Department of Public Law. His research interest broadly lies in international organizational law (particularly the intricate relations between the Peace and Security Council of the African Union and its UN counterpart), environmental law, protests and social movements in Ethiopia, and development-security nexus. Zekarias offers courses that are related to public international law for the undergraduate and postgraduate law students of the College. Projects and publications
Contact address Email: Linkedin: Researchgate: Cell Phone: +251 953 121452
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በደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የአረንጓዴ አሻራ ቀን መርሀ ግብር በይፋ ተጀመረበደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የአረንጓዴ አሻራ ቀን መርሀ ግብር ዛሬ ሰኔ 08-2012 ዓ.ም በይፋ ተጀምሯል፡፡ የችግኝ ተከላ ፕሮግራሙ የሳይንስና ከፍተኛ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ዴኤታ ዶ/ር ሙሉ ነጋ በተገኙበት ተካሂዷል፡፡
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Debre Berhan University Gives Support to 1000 Vulnerable PeopleDebre Berhan University gave 500 quintal flour which cost over 1.3 million Birr support to 1000 Debre Berhan vulnerable people.
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ደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለጤና ባለሙያዎች ስልጠና ሰጠደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በተማሪዎች ክሊኒክ ለሚሰሩ የጤና ባለሙያዎች ራሳቸውን ከኮቪድ-19 ወረርሽኝ ጥቃት ጠብቀው ታካሚዎችን ማከምና መርዳት በሚያስችላቸው ዙሪያ ግንቦት 11 ቀን 2012 ዓ.ም ስልጠና ተሰጠ፡፡
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ደ/ብ/ዩ ከሰ/ሸዋ ዞንና ከደ/ብርሃን ከተማ ከተውጣጡ አመራሮች ጋር ውይይት አካሄደበደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ አስተባባሪነት ዩኒቨርሲቲው ባለፉት ዓመታት ለአካባቢው ማህበረሰብ የሰራቸው ስራዎች፣ በቀጣይ በዘለቄታዊ መንገድ ስለሚሰራቸው ጉዳዮችና በቅንጅት ይሰራሉ ባሏቸው የትኩረት መስኮች ዙሪያ ከሰ/ሸዋ ዞን አስተዳደር፣
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DBU announces online teaching learning platformsTo prevent the spread of Corona Virus/Covid 19/, Debre Berhan University announced that the second semester courses to be changed from face to face lecture to online platforms via e-mail, webpage, Skype and other platforms.
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ደ/ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ኮሮና ቫይረስን ለመከላከል ሀገራዊ ጥሪውን ተቀብሎ እየሰራ ይገኛል ተባለበዓለማችን ብሎም በሀገራችን ከፍተኛ ሰብዓዊ፣ኢኮኖሚያዊ፣ማህበራዊና ስነ-ልቦናዊ ችግር እያስከተለና እየተስፋፋ የመጣውን ኮሮና ቫይረስ ለመከላከል ሀገራዊ ጥሪውን ተቀብሎ ደ/ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተለያዩ ኮሚቴዎችን በማደራጀት ሰፊ ስራዎችን በመስራት ላይ እንደሚገኝ ታውቋል፡፡
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ከ4000 በላይ የእጅ ንፅህና መጠበቂያዎችን እያሰራጨ እንደሆነ ዩኒቨርሲቲው አስታወቀደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከ4000 በላይ የእጅ ንፅህና መጠበቂያዎችን እያሰራጨ እንደሆነ አስታወቀ፡፡የዩኒቨርሲቲው ፕሬዚዳንት ዶ/ር ንጉስ ታደሰ እንደሉት በዩኒቨርሲቲው ውስጥ ያሉ የኬሚስትሪ ፣ የጤና ፣ የኬሚካል ኢንጅነሪግ እና የባይሎጂ መምህራን በአንድ ላይ በመሆን
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Press Releaseደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የኮሮና ቫይረስ ለመከላከል ያከናወናቸውተ ግባራት ላይ የተሰጠ ጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ
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የኢንዱስትሪዎች መምጣት ፀጋ እንጂ እዳ መሆን የለበትም ተባለደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በደብረብርሃን ከተማና አካባቢው ከሚገኙ የኢንዱስትሪ ባለቤቶች እና ከባለድርሻ አካላት ጋር የካቲት 11 ቀን 2012 ዓ.ም ውይይት አካሄደ፡፡ የዩኒቨርሲቲው ፕሬዚዳንት ንጉስ ታደሰ (ዶ/ር) በመክፈቻ ንግግራቸው ወቅት እንደገለጹት
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የደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የ2012 ዓ.ም የስድስት ወራት እቅድ አፈጻጸምን ገመገመየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የስድሰት ወራት የመማር ማስተማርና ተጓዳኝ ተግባራት እንዲሁም የሁለተኛውን መንፈቅ ዓመት የመማር ማስተማር ሂደት አጀማመርን ከመምህራን፣ አስተዳደር ሰራተኞችና ቴክኒክ ሰራተኞች ጋር ገምግሟል፡፡
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DBU Conducts DiscussionDebre Berhan University conducted discussion on the research and community services challenges and the way forward on 10th February, 2020 at PR Hall.
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Engineering College holds Monthly SeminarDebre Berhan University Engineering College Mechanical Engineering Department held its 3rd monthly seminar on January 16, 2020 at Mechanical Engineering Computer Laboratory, LA05.
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DBU Councils Appraises the 6 Months Plan PerformanceDebreberhan University appraised its 2012 E.C 6 months physical and financial plan performance along with the University’s councils on 17th January, 2020 G.C at PR Hall.
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በባህላዊ መድሀኒት እፀዋት እንክብካቤ ዙሪያ ሲምፖዚየም ተካሄደደ/ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የአንኮበር መድሃኒታዊ እፅዋት ቅመማና ብዝሀ ህይወት እንክብካቤ ፕሮጀክት ማዕከል “የባህል መድሃኒት እውቀትን በዘመናዊና በተቀናጀ መልኩ ማሳደግ እና የህብረተሰብ ጤና አጠባበቅ ስርዓት ማሻሻል” በሚል መሪ-ቃል ታህሳስ 17 ቀን 2012 ዓ.ም
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ሰላማዊ መማር ማስተማር ሂደቱ ተጠናክሮ እንዲቀጥል እየሰራ መሆኑን ገለጸበደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሰላማዊ መማር ማስተማር ሂደቱ ተጠናክሮ እንዲቀጥል ከዩኒቨርሲቲው አስተዳደር ካውንስል፣ከተማሪዎች ህብረት፣ከተማሪ የክፍል ተወካዮች፣ ከመምህራን፣ ከአስተዳዳር ሰራተኞች፣ከጥበቃና ደህንነት ኃላፊዎች፣ ከአካባቢው የተለያዩ የማህበረሰብ ክፍሎች
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CPD provider officeIntroduction Health professionals must maintain, update and enhance their knowledge, skills, and attitude to adequately deliver quality health care. This is particularly important due to a changing disease pattern in which diseases that had been eradicated are now reemerging, as well as an increase of non-communicable diseases. There is a need for CPD to maintain professional competence in an environment of numerous challenges, rapid organizational changes, information technology, increasing public expectations and demand for quality and greater accountability. CPD program is a new initiative in Ethiopia which requires the commitment and collaboration of different stakeholders (accreditors, CPD providers, ministry of health, regional health office and partners). Debre Berhan University, institute of medicine and health science CPD center was established in December/2017 and is a corner stone to go one step forward for the institute.
Vision, Mission and Value of DBU, Institute of medicine and health science, CPD center
Structure and staffing of DBU, IMHS, CPD Center
Roles and responsibilities of DBU, IMHS, CPD Center
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Accreditation officeIntroduction Health professionals must maintain, update and enhance their knowledge, skills, and attitude to adequately deliver quality health care. This is particularly important due to a changing disease pattern in which diseases that had been eradicated are now reemerging, as well as an increase of non-communicable diseases. There is a need for CPD to maintain professional competence in an environment of numerous challenges, rapid organizational changes, information technology, increasing public expectations and demand for quality and greater accountability. CPD program is a new initiative in Ethiopia which requires the commitment of different stakeholders (accreditors, CPD providers, ministry of health, regional health office and partners). DebreBerhan University, institute of medicine and health science accreditation office was established in November/2019 and is a corner stone to go one step forward for the institute. Vision, Mission and Value of DBU, Institute of medicine and health science CPD-accreditation office Vision
Structure and staffing of the accreditation office
Roles and responsibilities of the accreditation office
Download Files CPD guideline English with Signature CPD guideline English with Signature CPD Directive Amharic signature CPD Directive English with Signature CPD guideline Amharic with Signature
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DBU Undergoes discussion with Slovak Embassy DelegatesDebre Berhan University Underwent discussion with Slovak Embassy delegates so as to create cooperation and partnership at senate hall on 22nd, November, 2019 G.C.
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DBU conducts discussion with University of Maryland UniversityDebre Berhan University conducted discussion with University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources delegates to start partnership on 19, November, 2019 G.C at senate hall.
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Debere Berhan University organizes field dayDebre Berhan University organized field day on malt barley production at DBU farm demonstration site in collaboration with Habesha Breweries S.C on 1st November, 2019 G.C.
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“ይህንን ያውቃሉ!” ትምህርት በተፈጥሮ የተገኘውን አዕምሮን የሚቀርጽ መሳሪያ በመሆኑ ለሥነ-ምግባርም ሆነ ለሌሎች የሰው ልጅ እድገቶች መሰረት ነው፡፡ ትምህርት ባይኖር ኖሮ የሰው ልጆች ውስን የሆነ እውቀት፣ ክህሎትና አመለካከት ብቻ ይዘው ከቀበሌያቸው፣ ከመንደራቸው ላያልፉ ግድ ይላቸው ነበር፡፡ ይህ ደግሞ ለሥነ ምግባር መጐልበትም ሆነ ለአጠቃላይ ሕይወት ስምሪትና እድገት አይረዳቸውም ነበር፡፡ ትምህርት ግን ሁሉንም ነገር ከማወቅ አልፈን እንድንሻሻልበትና ራሳችንን እንድንፈትሽ ያደርገናል፡፡ ስለዚህ ትምህርት ትልቁ የአዕምሮአችን የልማት መሠረት ተደርጐ ሊወሰድ ይችላል፡፡ የአዕምሮ ልማት ሲባል እውቀት ወይም ክህሎት ብቻ ሳይሆን አመለካከትንም ይጨምራል፡፡ ሥነ-ምግባርን ስንመለከት ደግሞ ስነ-ምግባር በመሰረቱ ፍልስፍና ነው፡፡ ይህ ፍልስፍና በሰው ልጆች አዕምሮ ውስጥ ሰርጾ የሚገባው ሁሉም የማህበረሰብ አባላት ሲማሩ ነው፡፡ የተማረና በትምህርት የበለፀገ ማህበረሰብ የሥነ-ልቦና ጤንነቱ የተጠበቀ፣ ሌሎችን የማይረብሽና መልካም ሥነ-ምግባር ያለው ትውልድ እንዲፈጠር ኃላፊነቱን በአግባቡ ይወጣል፡፡ ከዚህ ጋር ተያይዞ በሰው ልጆች ዘንድ ሦስት ዓይነት ስብዕናዎች አሉ፡፡እነርሱም፡- 1. በመጀመሪያው የስብዕና ዓይነት ውስጥ የሚመደቡ የሰው ልጆች ዓይነት፡- ሀ. ምንም ንቃተ-ሕሊና የሌላቸው፣ ለ. ጠቃሚውንና ጐጂውን የማይለዩ፣ ሐ. በስሜት ብቻ የሚመሩ ናቸው፡፡ ከዚህም በተጨማሪ ዕውቀት የላቸውም፣ የሚደርስባቸውን አደጋ አያውቁትም፣ በሌሎች ላይ የሚያደርሱትንም አደጋ አያውቁትም፣ የሌሎችን ስሜትም አይረዱም፡፡ በጥቅሉ እንዲህ ዓይነት ሰዎች ሥነ ምግባር የላቸውም፡፡ ምክንያቱም ሥነ ምግባር ሰርጾ ውስጣቸው አልገባም ወይም ገብቶ በተለያዩ ምክንያቶች ጠፍቷል፡፡ ሥነ ምግባር ወደ ውስጣቸው ያልገባው ገና የተወለዱና በማደግ ላይ ያሉ ልጆች ናቸው፡፡ ከዚሁ ጋር ተያይዞ ሥነ ምግባርም ሰርጾባቸው በተለያዩ ምክንያቶች ለምሳሌ በአዕምሮ ህመም ምክንያት የሥነ ምግባር ደረጃቸው የጠፋባቸው ሰዎችም ሊጠቀሱ ይችላሉ፡፡ 2. ሁለተኛው የሰው ልጆች ስብዕና ሥር ሊጠቀሱ የሚችሉ ሰዎች ደግሞ ሕጐችን ያውቃሉ፣ የማህበረሰቡን እሴቶችና ያልተጻፉ ሕግጋትን ጠንቅቀው ያውቃሉ፡፡ እንደዚህ ዓይነት ስብዕና ያላቸው ሰዎች በሰው ፊት የሚፈጽሙት አንዳች መጥፎ ነገር የለም፡፡ ጠንቃቃ ናቸው፣ ሕግንና ማህበረሰቡን ይፈራሉ፡፡ አብዛኛዎቹ የሰው ልጆች ስብዕና በዚህ ምድብ ሥር ሊጠቃለል ይችላል፡፡ እንደነዚህ ያሉ ሰዎች ሥነ-ምግባርን የማይጥሱት ሕጉንና ማህበረሰቡን ስለሚፈሩ ብቻ ነው እንጂ ሥነ-ምግባር ሰርፆባቸው ውስጣቸው ተለውጦ አይደለም፡፡ እንዲህ ዓይነቱ ስብዕና ያላቸው ሰዎች ማህበረሰቡ ወይም የሕግ አስከባሪዎች በሌሉበት ሁኔታ ሥነ-ምግባርን ከመጣስ በፍጽም ወደ ኋላ አይሉም፡፡ በአሁኑ ወቅት በአገራችን ከሙስናና ኢ-ሥነ ምግባር ድርጊቶች ጋር ተያይዞ የሚስተዋሉ ችግሮች ከዚህ የሰው ልጆች ስብዕና ጋር ተያይዞ የሚታዩ ናቸው፡፡ በተለያዩ መንገዶች የሚያጭበረብሩ ሰዎች የሥነ-ምግባር እውቀት አንሷቸው ሳይሆን ሞራል ወይም የሥነ ምግባር እምነቱ ስላልሰረፀባቸው ነው፡፡ 3. ሦስተኛው የሰው ልጆች ስብዕና ሥር የሚጠቀሱ ሰዎች ደግሞ “በሥነምግባር መርህና በሞራል ብቻ” የሚመሩ ሰዎች ናቸው፡፡ የሰው ልጆች እንዳይጠፋፉ፣ አብረው ተቻችለው እንዲኖሩ ሥነ-ምግባርን ከማወቅና በውስጣቸው ከማስረጽ አልፎ ሌሎችን የሚያስተምሩ ናቸው፡፡ እንዲህ ዓይነት ሰዎች ከሥነ ምግባር መርህ ውጭ ወጥተው ሞራሉ የማይፈቅድላቸውን ነገር አያደርጉም፡፡ ከኋይማኖት ጋር ጥብቅ ቁርኝት ያላቸው ሰዎች ሊሆኑ ይችላሉ፡፡ በአብዛኛው በኃይማኖታዊ መጽሐፍቶች ውስጥ ከሥነ ምግባር ጋር ተያይዞ በተምሳሌት ሊጠቀሱ የሚችሉ ሰዎችን እናያለን፡፡ እንግዲህ በአሁኑ ወቅት ለአገራችን ኢትዮጵያ የሚያስፈልጉ ሰዎች ውስጣቸው በሥነ ምግባርና በሞራል የተቀየሩ ሰዎች ናቸው፡፡ እንደዚህ ዓይነት ሰዎችን ለማፍራት ደግሞ ማህበረሰባችን ውስጥ የቆዩ በርካታ የግብረ ገብ እሴቶች አሉ፡፡ በእርግጥ በአሁኑ ወቅት እነዚህን እሴቶቻችንን አጐልብተን የመሄድ ሁኔታ በተለይም በከተማው አካባቢ የላላ ይመስላል፡፡ በዚህ ዙሪያ ጠንካራ ሥራ መስራት ይኖርብናል፡፡ ሕጐች በየጊዜው ይወጣሉ፣ ሕግ አስከባሪዎችም አሉን፡፡ ነገር ግን ሕጐቻችን ሞራልን የሚያስከብሩ አይመስሉም፡፡ ምክንያቱም ሕግን የሚያከብሩ ሰዎች ሕግን ስለሚፈሩት ነው እንጂ ሞራል ኖሯቸው ሥነ-ምግባርን መርህ አድርገው ወስደውት ውስጣቸው ተለውጦ አይደለም፡፡ የሥነ ልቦና ትምህርት ሆነ አጠቃላይ ትምህርቱ ይህንን ይቀይራል ተብሎ ይታመናል፡፡ ለመሆኑ ራሳችንን የትኛው ላይ እንደሆንን እንመዝነው፡፡
ምንጭ፡- የፌ/ስ/ም/ፀ/ሙ/ኮሚሽን ታህሳስ 2009 ዓ/ም መፅሄት
“ መልዕክታችንን ሥላነበባችሁልን ምስጋናችን የላቀ ነው”
ማሳሰቢያ፡- አስተያየት ካላችሁ በ0116812024 ደውሉልን፡፡
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ዩኒቨርሲቲው ስነ ህይወታዊ የቡና ገለፈት ማስወገጃ ፕሮጀክት አሰመረቀደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከኢትዮጵያ ባዮ ቴክኖሎጂ ኢንስቲትዩት ጋር በመተባበር በደቡብ ብሄር ብሄረሰቦችና ህዝቦች ክልል በሲዳማ ዞን በይርጋለም አካባቢ ለቡና አምራች ገበሬዎች በስነ ህይወታዊ ዘዴ የቡና ገለፈትን ወደ ተፈጥሮ ማዳበሪያነት የሚቀይር ፕሮጀክትን አስመረቀ፡፡
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የደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለአዲስ ተማሪዎች ግንዛቤ ፈጠረየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ2012 ዓ.ም ለተቀበላቸው ከ3600 በላይ አዲስ ተማሪዎች በዩኒቨርሲቲው ስለሚኖራቸው አጠቃላይ ቆይታና በቤተ መጽሃፍት፣በዶርሚተሪ፣ በምግብ ቤት፣ በክሊኒክና በሌሎችም ስለሚያገኗቸው
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Deber Berhan University hosts the 2019 world Teachers’ DayDebre Berhan University hosted the 2019 world teachers’ day under the theme “Young Teachers: The Future of Profession” as of October 7-8/2019 G.C. at PR Hall.
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DBU Annual planDBU Annual plan list:
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የደሞዝ ስኬል አፈፃፀም መመሪያ
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የጋዜጠኝነት ተሰጥኦ ፍለጋ ፕሮጀክት ስልጠና ተጠናቀቀየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የማህበራዊና ስነ-ሰብ ኮሌጅ የጋዜጠኝነትና ኮሙኒኬሽን ትምህርት ክፍል ከደብረብርሃን ፋና ኤፍ ኤም 94.0 ጋር በመተበባር ከሀምሌ 1/2011 ዓ.ም እስከ ጳጉሜ 6/2011 ዓ.ም
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ዩኒቨርሲቲው ለ3ኛ ወገን ባስተላለፋቸው የስራ ዘርፎች ዙሪያ ምክክር አካሄደደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ3ኛ ወገን በሚያሰራቸው ስራዎች ያሉ ስኬቶችና በሚያጋጥሙ ተግዳሮቶች ዙሪያ ከሚመለከታቸው አካላት ጋር ነሐሴ 28 ቀን 2011 ዓ.ም ምክክር አካሄደ፡፡
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Debre Berhan University hosts the 20th Public Universities forumDebre Berhan University hosted the 20th Public Universities forum found in Amhara Region as of 31st August -1st September 2019 G.C at Public Relation Hall.
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ማስታወቂያ በደ/ብርሃንዩኒቨርሲቲየ2ኛእናየ3ኛዲግሪትምህርትን ይመለከታል በ2013 ዓ.ም የትምህርት ዘመን የደ/ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ2ኛ እና በ3ኛ ዲግሪ በመደበኛ (Regular) እና 2ኛዲግሪ በእረፍት ቀናት (Extention) ፕሮግራሞች ለማስተማር ዝግጅቱን አጠናቋል፡፡ በዚሁ መሰረት ከታች በተዘረዘሩት 43 2ኛ ዲግሪ የትምህርት መስኮች እና በ3ኛ ዲግሪ 1 የት/ት መስክ ተመዝግባችሁ መማር ለምትፈልጉ ተማሪዎች ከመስከረም 13/2013 እስከ መስከረም 30/2013 ድረስ በዩኒቨርሲቲው በየኮሌጆች ረጀስትራርና ርቀት ት/ት/ ማስተባበሪያ ቢሮ ዘወትር በስራ ሰዓት መረጃችሁን በማቅረብ ወይም ሰካን የተደረጉ የት/ት ማስረጃዎችንና የክፈያ ሰነዶችን በኢሜል በመላክ መመዝገብ የምትችሉ መሆኑን እንገልፃለን፡፡የኮሌጆችን የኢሜል አደራሻ ከዩኒቨርሰቲያችን መረጃ መረብ ማገኘት ትችላላችሁ፡፡ በምዝገባ ወቅት የሚያስፈልጉ መስፈርቶች ለማስተርስ
ለሁለቱም ፐሮግራሞች
የመመዝገቢያ እና የመግቢያ ፈተና ክፍያ በደ/ብ/ዩኒቨርሲቲ በውስጥ ገቢ አካውንት 1000025277515 ገቢ ማድረግ የምትችሉ መሆኑ እንገልጻለን፡፡
ለተጨማሪ መረጃ፡- ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ድህረ ምረቃ ኮሌጅ ስልክ ቁጥር 011 681 17 71/011 617 08 38
ኮሌጆችን የኢሜል አደራሻ ከዩኒቨርሰቲያችን መረጃ መረብ ማገኘት ትችላላችሁ፡፡
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የደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ 3064 ተማሪዎችን አስመረቀደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሀምሌ 6 ቀን 2011 ዓ.ም በመደበኛ፣ በማታና በተከታታይ መርሃ-ግብሮች በመጀመሪያ እና በ2ኛ ድግሪ 3064 ተማሪዎችን በዩኒቨርሲቲው መመረቂያ አዳራሽ አስመርቋል፡፡
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በወቅታዊ ሁኔታ ላይ የተሰጠ የዩኒቨርሲቲው ሴኔት መግለጫበዩኒቨርሲቲያችን ላለፉት ጥቂት ቀናት በተከሰተው ሁከትና ብጥብጥ ትምህርት ከመቋረጡም ባሻገር በተማሪዎች መኖሪያ ሁለት ህንፃዎች መጨረሻ ወለል ላይ በደረሰው
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በዩኒቨርሲቲው ተከስቶ የነበረው የጸጥታ መደፍረስ ወደ ነበረበት ለመመለስ የተካሄደው ውይይት በስኬት ተጠናቀቀበደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተከስቶ የነበረው የጸጥታ መደፍረስ ወደ ነበረበት ለመመለስ የፌደራል ከፍተኛ የመንግሰት አካላት፣ የሀይማኖት አባቶች፣ የሀገር ሽማግሌዎች፣
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ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርስቲ ከተማሪዎች ጋር የውይይት መድረክ አካሄደበደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርስቲ በ02/10/2011 ዓ.ም ከተማሪዎች ጋር የውይይት መድረክ ተካሂዷል በውይይት መድረኩም የተለያዩ ሀሳቦች ተነስተዋል። በጥቅሉ በመድረኩ የተነሱት ሃሣቦች:-
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Event Newsበደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርስቲ በ02/10/2011 ዓ.ም ከተማሪዎች ጋር የውይይት መድረክ ተካሂዷል በውይይት መድረኩም የተለያዩ ሀሳቦች ተነስተዋል። በጥቅሉ በመድረኩ የተነሱት ሃሣቦች:- 1. ዶርም በመቃጠሉ ቁጣቸውን ገልፀዋል ያቃጠሉ አካላትንም አውግዘዋል። ዩኒቨርሲቲው
በደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በተለያዩ ጊዚያት አንዳንድ አለመረጋገቶችን ለመፍጠር በተለያዩ አካላት ሲሞከር ቆይቷል፡፡ በዚህ መሰረት በተነሱ የተማሪዎች አለመግባባት የመማር ማስተማሩ ሂደት ከ27/9/2011 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ ተስተጓጉሏል፡፡ ይህን ችግር ለመፍታትም የዩኒቨርሲቲው ማኔጅመንት የተለያዩ ጥረቶችን ዕያደረገ ይገኛል፡፡ ከሚመለከታቸው አካላት ጋርም ሰፊ ውይይት በማድረግና በማረጋገት የሰው ህይዎት እንዳይጠፋና አስከፊ ጉዳት እንዳይደርስ ከፀጥታ አካላት ጋር በመቀናጀት እየሠራ ይገኛል፡፡ በተለያየ ጊዜ በዩኒቨርሲቲው ጥፋት ለማድረስና መማር ማስተማሩን ለማወክ ሲንቀሳቀሱ በነበሩ 58 ተማሪዎች ላይም የዩኒቨርሲቲው ሴኔት ርምጃ ወስዷል፡፡ አለመረጋጋቱን ለመፍጠር የሚንቀሳቀሱትም ውስን ተማሪዎች ሲሆኑ ከዩኒቨርሲቲው የተባረሩና ዝቅታኛ ውጤት ያላቸው ተማሪዎች በማስተባበርና በመምራት በስፋት ይገኙበታል፡፡ ዩኒቨርሲቲው
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ደብረብረሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ 6ኛውን የባህል ጉባዔ አካሄደደብረብረሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ 6ኛውን የባህል ጉባዔ ባህልና ኪነጥበብ ለማህበረሰብ ሰላም፣ፍቅርና አንድነት በሚል መሪ ቃል ከግንቦት 19-20/2011 ዓ.ም አካሄደ፡፡
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DBU hosts the 6th Annual International Research SymposiumDebre Berhan University hosted the 6th annual International research symposium entitled “Participatory and Innovative Research for Technology Transfer and Sustainable Development”
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Debere Berhan University offers trainingDebre Berhan University Research and Community Service Vice President Office offered training to Zone and Woreda leaders on leadership and crisis management as of May 9-14, 2019 G.C at PR hall.
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Ambassador Drahomir STos visits Debre Berhan UniversityAmbassador Drahomir STos, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic of Ethiopia Permanent, Representative to the African Union visited Debre Berhan University on April 18, 2019 G.C.
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Debre Berhan University Graduates Medical DoctorsDebre Berhan University graduated 40 male and 2 females in total 42 medical doctors on April 6, 2019 G.C at graduation hall.
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Debre Berhan University Conducts SeminarDebre Berhan University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources conducted seminars on “Women in Agriculture, Efforts of DBU in Integrated Seed Sector
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University of Maryland –USA delegates arrives at DBUUniversity of Maryland –USA delegates, led by Professor Ray Weil, arrived at Debre Bberhan University for a week long official visit and duty on March 18, 2019 G.C.
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DBU Student Council Hosts its 6 Month General AssemblyDebreberhan University student union council hosted its 6th round 15th regular general assembly under the theme “Supporting Strong Organizations help
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የሴቶችን ተሳትፎና ተጠቃሚነት ማረጋገጥ ቸርነት ሳይሆን ህልውና ነው ተባለየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የሴቶች ህጻናትና ወጣቶች ዳይሬክቶሬት አለም አቀፉን የሴቶች ቀን “የላቀ ትኩረትና ቁርጠኝነት ለሴቶች ሁለንተናዊ ተሳትፎና ተጠቃሚነት”
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Berhan International Journal of Science and Humanities
Berhan International Research Journal of Science and Humanities List of Volumes In BIRJSH
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Debre Berhan University Research
list of completed researches:
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The 123rd Victory of Adwa Celebration BeginsThe 123rd Victory of Adwa Celebration Began under the theme “A race to Freedom from Shewa to Adwa” with the presence of government officials, patriots,
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Shewarobit Integrated Development Project DirectorateIDP aquaculture project
IDP poultry project
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የደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተቀናጀ የግብርና ምርምር ፕሮጀክት ተመረቀየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የጥናትና ምርምር ማህበረሰብ አገልግሎት ም/ፕሬዚዳንት ጽ/ቤት ከኢኖቬሽንና ቴክኖሎጅ ሚኒስትር ባገኘው የገንዘብ ድጋፍ በኤፍራታና ግድም ወረዳ ይምሎ ቀበሌ በተቀናጀ
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የሴት መምህራን ተሳትፎ በሁሉም ዘርፍ ሊጎለብት እንደሚገባ ተገለጸየደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሴት መምህራን በአመራርነት፣በጥናትና ምርምር እንዲሁም በማህበረሰብ አገልግሎት እያበረከቱ ያለው አስተዋጽኦ ሊጎለብት እንደሚገባ ጥር 28/2011 ዓ/ም በተካሄደው የሴት መምህራን የምክክር ጉባኤ ወቅት ተገለጸ፡፡
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Councils Appraises the 6 Months Plan PerformanceDebreberhan University appraised its 2011 E.C 6 months physical and financial plan performance along with the University’s councils on 5th February 2019 G.C at PR Hall.
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Career service Directorate offers trainingDebre Berhan University Academic Vice President Office Career Service Directorate offered training on career counseling in collaboration with Ethiojobs for
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Department of Nursing Celebrates Capping and Bagging InvestitureDebre Berhan University, College of Health Science, nursing department first and second year student celebrated the capping and bagging investiture, and candle lightening program on January 29, 2019 G.C at PR Hall.
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Debre Berhan University Delivers training to studentsDebre Berhan University Research and Community Service Vice President Office delivered training for elementary school students on “Food Security and Nutrition Security”
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DBU Delivers Training Secondary School Teachers and StudentsDebre Berhan University Research and Community Service Vice President Office offered training to Keyt General Secondary School Teachers on “Theoretical and Practical Aspects
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A speech on ‘Ethiopianism vs Ethnicism ’ DeliveresProfessor Fikre Tolossa, Playwright, Poet and historical researcher, delivered a public lecture on “ Ethiopianism vs Ethnicism” at Debreberhan University on January 17,2019 G.C at Main Hall.
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አትሌቲክስ ክለቦች ሻምፒዮና ውድድር ተጠናቀቀየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ አትሌቲክስ ክለብ በአማራ ክልል የ7ኛው አትሌቲክስ ክለቦች ሻምፒዮና ላይ ወንዶችና ሴቶች እትሌቶችን በማሳተፍ ከጥር 03-07/2011 ዓ.ም በባህርዳር አለምአቀፍ ስታዲየም
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Science and Higher Education Ministry Appoints New Board MembersScience and Higher Education Ministry appointed new board members to DebereBerhan University as of December 27, 2018 G.C.
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DBU Offers Training to Secondary School TeachersDebre Berhan University Research and Community Service Vice President Office offered training to Keyt,Goshebado and Baso Secondary and Preparatory School Teachers
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Professor Sosina M.Haile Presentes Public LectureProfessor Sosina M.Haile, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Applied Physics Program and Department of Chemistry Northwest University,
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DBU Conducts SeminarDebreBerhan University conducted seminars on “Advanced Materials for Divers Applications and Women in Science Challenges and Opportunities” which is organized by College of Natural and Computation
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ለዩኒቨርሲቲው የመፅሐፍት ስጦታ ተበረከተየዩኒቨርሲቲው የጥናትና ምርምር ማህበረሰብ አገልግሎት ም/ፕሬዝዳንት ዶ/ር አልማዝ አፈራ በስራ ክፍላቸው በኩል ለዩኒቨርሲቲው የተበረከቱትን 15 መፅሐፍትን
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በተማሪዎች መካከል የተፈጠረው አለመግባባት በእርቅ ሰላም ተቋጨበደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በመብራት መጥፋት ምክንያት እንዲሁም የአማራ ብሔር ተማሪዎች በሀገራችን በአንዳንድ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች የሚማሩ የአማራ ተማሪዎች ማንነትን መሰረት ያደረገ ጥቃት
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Research and Community Service Vice President messageDebreBerhan University Research and community service vice president office Vision Our university Vision is to be attractive in
These three missions are possibly delivered with active participation of our staffs, students, funding agencies, research partners, industries and other partners in public authorities. These fascinations strengthen Debere Berhan University as a preferred destination or researching place for outstanding staff researchers, student researchers, and visitor researchers who come from all over the world. This in turn advances the status and performance of the university as a major international research university, and strengthens its role as a centre of world class research. It promotes international engagement as a profoundly formative agenda throughout the university and positions Debre Berhan University as one of competitive universities in the world. Moreover, the University conducts high international standard researches that contribute sustainable development of food security, environmental protection, quality education, ecotourism and the like to our country. Furthermore, the University creates good research links nationally and internationally with universities and organizations to enhance mutual respect between different nations and professionals. To conclude, the university works hard to reach to a well appreciated researching, community outreaching and technology and knowledge transferring environment to develop strong research profile to contribute for the development of Ethiopia. We believe achieving visions requires a long term journey and strong effort with patience.
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የፀረ-ጾታዊ ጥቃት ዘመቻ ቀን ተከበረየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲና የኢትዮጵያ ሰብዓዊ ኮምሽን “ጀግኒት ወንድ ልጇን ስለ ሰብአዊ መብቶች በማስተማር ጾታዊ ጥቃትን ትከላከላለች” በሚል መሪ ቃል የጸረ-ጾታዊ ጥቃት ዘመቻ ቀንን አክብረዋል፡፡
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የህግ ኮሌጅ በሸማቾች ጥበቃ አዋጅ ስልጠና ሰጠበደብረብርሃን ዪኒቨርሲቲ ህግ ኮሌጅና በሰ/ሸዋ ዞን ንግድ ኢንዱስትሪና ገበያ ልማት መምሪያ በጋራ ትብብር ከህዳር 27-28/2011 ዓ.ም ድረስ የሚቆይ...
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The Ankober Herbal Medicine and Biodiversity Conservation Conducts SymposiumThe Ankober Herbal Medicine and Biodiversity Conservation Directorate of DebreBerhan University Conducted Symposium with a theme of “Herbal Traditional Practice
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በሰላማዊ መማር ማስተማር ዙሪያ ምክክር አደረገየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ትኩረት ለሰላማዊ መማር ማስተማር ስኬት በሚል መሪ ቃል ከደብረብርሃን ከተማ ልዩ ልዩ የማህበረስብ ክፍሎች ጋር ውይይት እያከሄደ ነው፡፡
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History & Heritage Management Department Conducts SeminarDebreBerhan University College of Social Science and Humanities History and Heritage Management Department conducted seminar on Megalithic Culture in the
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The way forward is “True”. Mr.ObangMr. Obang Metho, Executive Director, Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia (SMNE) made public Lecture at DebreBerhan University on 28,November,2018 G.C.
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Consultative Workshop HoldsDebreBerhan University in collaboration with Amhara National Regional State Industrial Park Development DebreBerhan Branch held consultative workshop
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ለደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ነባር እና አዲስ ተማሪዎች በሙሉየ2011 ትምህርት ዘመን የደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ነባር ተማሪዎች በሙሉ መግቢያ ጥቅምት 12 እና 13 ቀን 2011 ዓ.ም መሆኑን እናሳዉቃለን፡፡ እንዲሁም ለደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ አዲስ የተመደባችሁ ተማሪዎች የምዝገባ ቀን ጥቅምት 14 እና 15 ቀን 2011 ዓ.ም መሆኑን እየገለፅን ከዕለቱ ቀድሞ የመጣ ተማሪ የማናስተናግድ መሆኑን እናሳዉቃለን፡፡ ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ
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ለ2ኛ ጊዜ ተስተካክሎ የወጣ ክፍት የስራ ቦታ ማስታወቂያደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርስቲ ከዚህ በታች በተመለከቱት የትምህርት መስኮች መምህራንን አወዳድሮ በቋሚ ኮንትራት ለመቅጠር ይፈልጋል፡፡ ስለዚህ መስፈርቱን የምታሟሉ ተወዳዳሪዎች እንድትወዳደሩ ተጋብዛችኋል፡፡
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ለደብረብርሃን ዩንቨርሲቲ ነባር የመደበኛ ተማሪዎች በሙሉየደብረብርሃን ዩንቨርሲቲ የ2011ዓ.ም የነባር ተማሪዎች ምዝገባ ከጥቅምት 1-2/2011 ዓ.ም መሆኑን እንገልጻለን፡፡ የደብረብርሃን ዩንቨርሲቲ
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የደብረብረሃን ዩንቭርሲቲ በአዲሱ የትምህርትና ስልጠና ፍኖተ ካርታ ዙሪያ ስልጠና መስጠት ጀመረየደብረብርሃን ዩንቨርሲቲ አዲስ በተቀረጸው የትምህርትና ስልጠና ፍኖተ ካርታ ዙሪያ ለመምህራን፣ለአስተዳደርና ቴክኒክ ሰራተኞች ስልጠና መስጠት ጀምሯል፡፡
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Department Staff Profile
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Department of HorticultureBACKGROUND Agriculture in general and crop production in particular is the backbone of our economy. Therefore, educated professional in the field of Horticulture is crucial to develop our country in the few decades of the third millennium. The Department of Horticulture was established in 2008 E.C and strived to create qualified and excellent horticulturalists This programme is developed in response to the strong need and interest for horticulturalists and horticulture sector development in the country in general and in north shewa zone in particular. So , we believed that qualified and influential horticulturalists can develop the horticulture sector, thereby can break the might yolk of poverty burdened in our country. Objectives The Department of Horticulture has the following objective
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Department of Natural Resources Management human resource Profile
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Natural Resources Management departmentAgriculture in general and Natural Resources Management (NaRM) in particular is the backbone of our economy. Therefore, educated professional in the field of NaRM is crucial to develop our country in the few decades of the third millennium. The Department of Natural Resources Management was established in 2005 E.C and strived to create qualified and excellent Natural Resources Manager. Vision To become among the department of choice in teaching-learning, research, publications and community services in Ethiopia and contribute to the development of Ethiopia. Mission
Objective of the Department
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Department Staff Profile
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AboutPlant Science department Agriculture in general and Plant Science (PlSc) in particular is the backbone of our economy. Therefore, educated professional in the field of PlSc is crucial to develop our country in the few decades of the third millennium. The Department of Plant Science was established in 2000E.C and strived to create qualified and excellent Plant Scientists. Vision To become among the department of choice in teaching-learning, research, publications and community services in Ethiopia and contribute to the development of Ethiopia. Mission
Objective of the Department
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Department staff profile
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Department of Animal ScienceBACKGROUND Agriculture is a back bone of Ethiopian economy, in which about livestock sector accounts for about 40% of the country's agricultural GDP, 15% of the national GDP and 31% of the total agricultural employment. However, the sector constrained by unimproved genetic resource, inadequate animal nutrition, high prevalence of diseases, poor breeding, poor management of stock and feed resources, inadequate livestock services and infrastructure, uncoordinated development program, absence of appropriate policies and inadequate number of qualified manpower. The Government, well aware of the prevailing situation, is committed to significantly change the status of the livestock industry through the New Economic Policy. Increasing investment for livestock development, reduction of the role of the state in production and trade as well as the encouragement of the private sector are some of the measures to be undertaken. The government promises that a greater share of budgetary and human resource will be devoted to the rehabilitation and expansion of the agriculture sector of which livestock is an integral component. In line with the government policy the development of human resource in the area of animal science to alleviate the pervasive manpower shortage in the country is crucial for all our society to produce professionals, scientists and experts those do research for solving the problem of feed shortage, poor animal genetic resource, and animal health in universities, colleges, research institutions, Ministry of Livestock & Fishery Development, governmental (GOs) and non-governmental (NGOs) sectors, private sectors and industries. Hence, Department of Animal Science of Debre Berhan University opened in 2000 E.C with the following objectives, missions and visions: Objectives
FOOD PROCESSING The food processing industry is a major employer of animal science graduates.
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የደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በትምህርትና ስልጠና ፍኖተ ካርታ ጥናት ዙሪያ ስልጠና ሊሰጥ ነውየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በትምህርትና ስልጠና ፍኖተ ካርታ ላይ ግብዓት ለማሰባሰብ ከመስከረም 14-16/2011 ዓ.ም ስልጠና እንደሚሰጥ አስታወቀ፡፡የዩንቨርስቲው የአካዳሚክ ምክትል ፕሬዚዳንት ዶ/ር ኃይለማርያም ብርቄ ዛሬ መስከረም 10/2011 ዓ.ም በሰጡት ጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ እንደጠቆሙት በሀገር አቀፍ ደረጃ ጥናቱ የተጠናቀቀው የትምህርትና ስልጠና ፍኖተ ካርታ ግብዓት ከከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት ለማሰባሰብ ትምህርት ሚንስቴር አቅጣጫ አስቀምቷል ብለዋል፡፡
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DebreBerhan University Inaugurates Daycare CenterDebreBerhan University inaugurated daycare center on September 18, 2018 G.C in its compound. On the occasion,Dr Seife Getaneh, representative for
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አዳዲስ በተፈቀዱ ፕሮግራሞች የወጣ ማስታወቂያየደ/ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ2011 ዓ.ም የትምህርት ዘመን በ2ኛ ዲግሪ አዳዲስ በተከፈቱ በተለያዩ የትምህርት ፕሮግራሞች በመደበኛና በኤክስቴንሽን ለማስተማር ዝግጅቱን አጠናቋል፡፡
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በተማሪዎች ዙሪያ የሚሰሩ አካላት ተገቢውን ድጋፍና እገዛ ሊያደርጉ ይገባል ተባለየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የኤች አይ ቪ ኤድስ መከላከያና መቆጣጠሪያ ሴክሬቴሪያል ጽ/ቤት ከዲኬቲ ኢቲዮጵያ ጋር በመተባበር ለዩኒቨርሲቲው የጸጥታ አካላትና ፕሮክተሮች ከጳጉሜ 1-2/2010 ዓ/ም የሁለት ቀን ስልጠና ሰጥቷል፡፡
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102 Tran’s boarder volunteers arrive at Debere Berhan University102 Tran’s boarder volunteers arrived at Debre Berhan University on August 10, 2018 G.C. The volunteers will serve the community in different activities like planting trees, cleaning the compound, helping the disabled, elders, and vulnerable people.
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Academic Program DirectorateThe Academic Program Directorate (APD), formerly known as Academic Program Development and Review, has been recently restructured to include Academic Affairs and Staff Development, Curriculum and Program Development, English Language Improvement Program (ELIP), and Higher Diploma Program (HDP) since September 2017. With these offices, the APD is highly involved in monitoring the overall academic activities of the university to produce qualified professionals in diversified field of studies who can significantly contribute to the development of the country. Since its establishment, Debre Berhan University has launched need-based programs in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs – 46 undergraduate, 34 Master’s, and 2 PhD programs – to realize its mission of benefiting the community by working tirelessly on producing efficient graduates by offering research assisted quality education.
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ANKOBER HERBAL MEDICINE RESEARCH CENTERANKOBER HERBAL MEDICINE RESEARCH CENTER The Ankober Herbal Medicine Preparation and Biodiversity Conservation Project was established in 2010 by a trilateral agreement signed among Debre Berhan University (DBU), Ankober Woreda Development Association (AWDA) and an Italian based NGO named Increasing People’s Opportunity (IPO). The project has three major research teams, namely,
Debre Berhan University has been working hard to change the project into research center of herbal medicine.The Research Center for Ankober Herbal Medicine at Debre Berhan University will be established with the goal to engage in scientific and innovative herbal medicine research. The center also focuses on herbal pharmaceutical drug development. Debre Berhan University aim is to become the leader in the herbal medical research in the near future in Ethiopia by integrating the indigenous knowledge with modern science to enhance the health condition of the society. The prior activities of the Ankober Herbal Medicine Research Center are to conserve the indigenous knowledge and medicinal plants because Alterations to the environment whether natural or manmade can directly impact the biodiversity. It is well documented that biodiversity is necessary for human wellbeing. Plants provide medicinal and nutritional properties for indigenous societies, and furnish over of the compounds required to produce commercially available drugs in the modern world. Losses in this biodiversity limit the availability of these vital raw materials, potentially threatening the manufacture and development of medications to prevent the spread of human diseases around the world so herbal medicine considered as a major healthcare provider around the globe particularly in rural and remote areas. A large section of people depends on such medicine for their primary healthcare mainly in developing countries.
Mission: To conserve the indigenous knowledge in herbal medicine preparation, use and the endangered medicinal plants and to excel its standard using modern technology and scientific background to prepare herbal drugs which is essential to improve the health of the society “From the Community to the Community through Farm to Pharma” Vision: To be centre of excellence in Herbal Medicine Preparation and Biodiversity conservation among similar institutes in Ethiopia
Objectives of the Research Center
The question which we ask is: what is the socio-economic impact of the current regulation system of access to and use of biodiversity on local communities? The current system of access to and use of biodiversity and traditional knowledge:
and practices?
“Indigenous knowledge is an integral part of the culture and history of a local community. We need to learn from local communities to enrich the development process”. James D. Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank Contact Address: Director: Amare Ayalew (Ph.D) Directorate: Ankober Herbal Medicine Preparation and Biodiversity Conservation Project P.O.Box:445, Phone:+251118900345, Mob.:+251911931941
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The 6th round STEM Program launchesThe 6th round STEM program was launched on 21st July, 2018 at PR hall. Higher officials of DBU, high school teachers who will participate in STEM training and other concerned bodies attended the launching ceremony.
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የደብረብርሃን ዩንቨርሲቲ ከ 3200 በላይ ተማሪዎችን አስመረቀየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሰኔ 24/2010 ዓ.ም በመደበኛ፣በማታና በተከታታይ መርሃ-ግብሮች በመጀመሪያናበ2ኛ ድግሪ እንዲሁም በከፍተኛ ዲፕሎማ ከ3200 በላይ ተማሪዎችን አስመርቋል፡፡
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College of Agriculture and Natural Resources holds the First National SymposiumDebre Berhan University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources in collaboration with Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change held the first national research symposium
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Workshop organizesThe Ministry of Science and Technology in collaboration with DebreBerhan University organized high level training for four days in the area of Incubation Center and Technology transfer to enhance Technology Commercialization at PR hall since June 5-8, 2018 G.C.
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የደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት አባላት ምርጫ ተካሄደየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት የስራ አስፈጻሚ የኮሚቴ አባላት ምርጫ ሰኔ 2 ቀን 2010 ዓ.ም ተከናውኗል፡፡በምርጫ ስነስርዓቱ መክፈቻ ላይ የተገኙት የዩኒቨርሲቲው ተማሪዎች አገልግሎት ዲን አቶ መለሰ ወንድማገኘሁ ምርጫውን አስመልክቶ
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የደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በነጥብ የስራ ምዘና በተጠኑ የስራ መደቦች ላይ ያካሄደውን የሰራተኞች ድልድል አጠናቀቀየደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በነጥብ የስራ ምዘና በተጠኑ የስራ መደቦች ላይ ያካሄደውን የሰራተኞች ድልድል መጠናቀቅ አስመልክቶ ከሰራተኞች ጋር የግማሽ ቀን ውይይት ሰኔ 5 ቀን 2010 ዓ.ም አካሂዷል፡፡
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Debre Berhan University Center for Disabilities conducts essay competitionDebre Berhan University center for disabilities conducted essay competition which is sponsored by Professor True Kora Frost Hunter on June 6, 2018 G.C at HIV resource center.
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DBU hosts the 5th Annual Research SymposiumDebre Berhan University hosted the 5th International annual research symposium entitled “Research for Sustainable Development Improving the Livelihood of the Society” from May 25, -26, 2018 G.C at Debre Berhan University main hall.
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Debre Berhan University hosts the 5th Annual Research SymposiumDebre Berhan University hosted the 5th International annual research symposium entitled “Research for Sustainable Development Improving the Livelihood of the Society” from May 25, -26, 2018 G.C at Debre Berhan University main hall.
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Debre Berhan University Student in Picture[gallery columns="5" filter="no"] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo1.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo2.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo3.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo4.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo5.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo6.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo7.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo8.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo9.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo10.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo11.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo12.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo13.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo14.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo15.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo16.png"/] [gallery_item tag="joomla" src="images/helix/photo17.png"/]
[/gallery] Debre Berhan University Aspires to be a Better University in Ethiopia by 2012 E.C.
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5th Round STEM Program BeginsThe 5th round STEM program started on July 20, 2017 at PR hall. Higher officials of DBU, high school teachers who will participate in STEM training and other concerned bodies attended the opening ceremony.
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Curriculum Evaluation HeldDebreberhan University Institute of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering held workshop on MSc. Program in motor vehicle engineering curriculum evaluation on June 22, 2017 at main hall.
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DBU graduates over 3230 studentsDebre Berhan University graduated over 3230 students on July 2, 2017 at main hall.
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Construction Technology and Management ProgramAbout the programConstruction Technology and Management is one of the four disciplines within the school of Engineering under Debre Berhan University. The department is striving to provide Stimulating Environment for the free development and Exchange of ideas. UndergraduateB.Sc Program in Construction Technology and Managment Duration 9 Semester study and six month practice Requirement 295-7 credit points 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAM1.1 BackgroundDebre Berhan University, under the Ministry of Education, was established in 2006. The university has expanded different schools and faculties to fulfill the objective of the university. School of engineering established in 2009 as a five years course of engineering education and started by Civil and Electrical engineering programs. In September 2010, the school will be expanded to include instructions in Mechanical Engineering and construction technology management programs that the undergraduate program is intended to cover five years. From the previous established universities’ experience, stakeholders and employers have expressed concerns that the graduates of the engineering Programs lack practical and innovative skills. This lack has been coupled by deficiency in communication and managerial skills of the graduates. It is believed that this curriculum has incorporated the necessary consideration that will address the issues raised by stakeholders and employers. 1.2 Vision and MissionVisionConstruction Technology and Managment Program, School of Engineering at Debre Berhan University is to be the prime center of Construction Technology and ManagmentEducation and research in Ethiopia Devising innovative and customized curricula that prepare for engineering practice, advanced education, and leadership inconstruction work sector and technical services Supporting theoretical instruction by workshop, laboratory practices and construction work visits and practical instruction; Arranging obligatory construction work internship opportunities for all students through summer employment at least for four months Involving undergraduates and graduate students in applied research Diversifying graduate programs as per the need of the construction work sectors and the country Encouraging extra curricula student professional activities Students and stake holders’ evaluation of teaching and learning program. Participation of staff in applied research, consultancy service and training that solves technical problems of construction work sectors and other technical services in the country. 1.3 Strategic Goalsi) Increase relevance of undergraduate program to the construction nwork ii) Diversify the undergraduate programs in the areas related to construction management Engineering Introduce a full-fledged undergraduate program in management engineering through a transitional minor program Assesses the need for Material Engineering program in five years time construction iii) Increase diversity, quantity and quality of academic staff and technical assistants iv) Increase construction work supported researches and consultancy activities v) Increase attractiveness of the Program to students Achieve high standards for instructional quality Improve effectiveness of student advising Provide effective mechanism for student informal feed-back. Facilitate student access to industrial practice and job placement by working with professionals and entrepreneurs associations. Support student professional clubs and extracurricular activities Professional Profile of Construction technology and management Construction management is an important and learned profession, which is achieved through academic education at recognized institution. Competence can be developed and enriched by extended experience. It is a profession practiced in construction works development projects with direct and vital impact on the livelihood of the community. More generally, it is useful to provide a framework that gives guideline by which students of Construction management develop their skills and acquire standardized and relevant knowledge in planning and construction and entrepreneurship concepts during their study time at the university. CORE SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES IN CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGMENTEverywhere in the world, Construction Management: are involved in projects ranging from small scale to sophisticated projects. In particular, they carry out different assignments such as planning, Managing big construction projects like. Construction Technology and Management is broad term. It is an umbrella field comprised of many related specialties. The core services of Construction Technology and Management are shown in the following sub-sections. 2. GENERAL OBJECTIVESTeach the fundamentals of Construction Technology and Management and undertake basic and applied research activities. Provide innovative and economical solutions to problems encountered in the field. Working in a multidisciplinary environment and acquire knowledge and skill that allow Construction Technology and Management to practice in associated areas of sciences and engineering. Keep abreast of new technologies in Construction Technology and Management and provide orientation and/or training to subordinates as required. Contract AdministrationReview and approve contractor’s program, method and schedule. Supervise projects to ensure that drawings, specifications, materials and workmanship are as specified in the contract. Check and approve measurement of work executed. Administer claims and disputes. Issue engineering instruction and variation order, check and approve variation order. Conduct provisional and final acceptance. Conduct studies on cost of construction, materials, labor, equipment and productivity. Manage construction activities and available resources including planning, scheduling, controlling and reporting. Supervise technicians and technologists. Plan and organize the maintenance and repair of existing civil engineering construction works Analysis and Design Review and approve design. Develop design standards, design aids, guidelines and hand books. Consult with architects and specialized design engineers to integrate design in terms of aesthetic and technical requirements. Structural Design Activities: Pre design study Project program development Topographic survey Scheme design Preliminary design Final design Preparation of bill of quantities and specifications Cost estimates, Tendering Material Testing: Project site exploration Identification and classification of material in the field Conducting field tests Laboratory tests on soils, rocks and construction materials Construction Management: Deciding method of construction Devising temporary works Selecting appropriate equipment Manage construction activities and available resources including planning, scheduling, cost estimating, controlling and reporting.
The general objective of the construction technology and management Undergraduate Program is to provide broad-based education and training in construction management and its applications leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree, to enable graduates to meet the challenges of the engineering profession in a rapidly changing environment that exists in a developing country. These challenges require the ability to apply existing knowledge in new ways thereby creating new systems and opportunities as well as adapting existing Engineering to local production conditions. These require the ability to manage service, maintain and improve upon existing systems. Some of constructin work photographs is listed below Develop applied research programs on country the development policy and strategy Disseminate the program research and consultancy activities to the construction work Accelerate construction work linkages through construction work training and consultancy services Strive to create incentive mechanism for researchers at university level Strive to make university salary and benefits competitive Develop and implement a staff development plan that will consider the high rate of staff turnover and practice oriented education Assure the graduate curricula strengthen the undergraduate program and utilize the School's expertise. Arrange short term training and visits to the staff The program gives more emphasis to practical education to increase the relevance of the program to the construction work, keeping the current capacity of 50 students The curricula based on needs of the construction work sector and development to give emphasis to practical education and introduce specialization through electives such as Earthquake Engineering Construction Management Geotechnical Engineering Road and Transport Engineering Structural Engineering Hydropower Engineering Hydraulic Engineering Irrigation (and Drainage) Engineering Water Resource Engineering Geodetic Engineering Material Engineering Environmental Engineering Safety Engineering etc. Strengthen practical instruction in construction management works, Introduce a course in entrepreneurship . Develop students skill for modern engineering practice through intensified design projects, CAD, computer based analysis Increase student visualization ability through audiovisual teaching aid systems. Introduce a six month compulsory practical work Send the students in a different projects to the country development strategy
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Mechanical Engineering ProgramMechanical Engineering is one of the four disciplines within the school of Engineering under Debre Berhan University. The department is striving to provide Stimulating Environment for the free development and Exchange of ideas. UndergraduateB.Sc Program in Mechanical Engineering Duration 9 Semester study and six month practice Requirement 295-7 credit points 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAM1.1 BackgroundDebre Berhan University, under the Ministry of Education, was established in 2006. The university has expanded different schools and faculties to fulfill the objective of the university. School of engineering established in 2009 as a five years course of engineering education and started by Civil and Electrical engineering programs. In September 2010, the school will be expanded to include instructions in Mechanical Engineering and construction technology management programs that the undergraduate program is intended to cover five years. From the previous established universities’ experience, stakeholders and employers have expressed concerns that the graduates of the engineering Programs lack practical and innovative skills. This lack has been coupled by deficiency in communication and managerial skills of the graduates. It is believed that this curriculum has incorporated the necessary consideration that will address the issues raised by stakeholders and employers. 1.2 Vision and MissionVisionThe vision of the Mechanical Engineering Program, School of Engineering at Debre Berhan University is to be the prime center of Mechanical Engineering Education and research in Ethiopia MissionThe mission of the mechanical engineering program is to offer an outstanding, professionally oriented undergraduate engineering education and conduct applied research and consultancy service that will bring qualitative change in manufacturing industry and technical services in Ethiopia. We will achieve our mission by: Devising innovative and customized curricula that prepare for engineering practice, advanced education, and leadership in manufacturing sector and technical services Supporting theoretical instruction by workshop, laboratory practices and industrial visits and practical instruction; Arranging obligatory industrial internship opportunities for all students through summer employment at least for four months Involving undergraduates and graduate students in applied research Diversifying graduate programs as per the need of the industry and the country Encouraging extra curricula student professional activities Students and stake holders’ evaluation of teaching and learning program. Participation of staff in applied research, consultancy service and training that solves technical problems of manufacturing sectors and other technical services in the country 1.3 Strategic Goalsi) Increase relevance of undergraduate program to the industry ii) Diversify the undergraduate programs in the areas related to Mechanical Engineering iii) Increase diversity, quantity and quality of academic staff and technical assistants iv) Increase industry supported researches and consultancy activities v) Increase attractiveness of the Program to students Achieve high standards for instructional quality Improve effectiveness of student advising Provide effective mechanism for student informal feed-back. Facilitate student access to industrial practice and job placement by working with professionals and entrepreneurs associations. Support student professional clubs and extracurricular activitie Professional Profile of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering is a profession that deals with the design, manufacturing, selection, installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance of all forms of machinery, equipment, and industrial systems. The profession plays a vital role in the establishment and sustainable operation of a nation's manufacturing industries, transport systems, power generation, construction, and mining industries. The tasks which professional mechanical engineers undertake are too many to list them all. Some of the typical engineering tasks these professionals are expected to deal with are: product design, development and manufacturing; industrial plant design, equipment selection, plant erection, commissioning, operation and maintenance; industrial gas- and water-supply system/component design; automotive and construction equipment design and maintenance; energy conversion system/component design, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance; heating, refrigeration, air-conditioning system/components design, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance; industrial project design and evaluation; project management; Factory and technical service management in the capacity of general manager, technical manager, operation manager, maintenance manager, and sales manager. Due to the very broad nature of the profession of mechanical engineering, the profession has numerous areas specialization at global level. In the current Ethiopian context, one could specialize in any one of the following areas: Product Design and/or Applied Mechanics This area of specialization focuses on the design of a product, starting from the need analysis through three dimensional modeling, strength and dynamic analysis up to prototype manufacturing and testing. Engineering Materials It deals with the study and application of materials used in mechanical engineering. Manufacturing Engineering/ Engineering It deals with the design of manufacturing processes (like casting, forming, machining, joining, assembling, etc.) of an engineering product, starting from its design to planning and management of the manufacturing operations. Thermal and Power Plant Engineering It deals with the design, selection, installation, commissioning, maintenance and operation of energy conversion, heating, cooling systems and equipment that utilize thermal primary energy resources. Fluid Machinery It deals with the design, performance analysis, selection, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of rotating machines such as pumps, blowers, compressors and various types of turbines. Maintenance Engineering It deals with systematic application of reliability theory, condition monitoring and reconditioning techniques, and preventive maintenance programs to increase plant or equipment availability. Automotive Engineering It deals with the design and maintenance of a motor vehicle and its accessories. Aeronautic Engineering It deals with design and maintenance of an aircraft and its accessories. Mechatronics and/or Robotics It deals with control of mechanical systems and interfacing of mechanical system with electronic controllers and computer. Industrial Engineering It deals with optimal design of manufacturing plant and optimal management of material, human and machine resources in manufacturing operations to minimize production costs and maximize product quality. Depending on the engineering tasks one is undertaking or the position one is holding, a professional mechanical engineer working in an industrial facility can have professional titles and/or job specifications like Design Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Maintenance Engineer, Installation Engineer, Utilities Engineer, or management title/job like General Manager, Technical Manager, Operation Manager, Maintenance Manager, Sales Engineer, and rendering consultancy services in the field. 2. GENERAL OBJECTIVESThe general objective of the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program is to provide broad-based education and training in mechanical engineering and its applications leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree, to enable graduates to meet the challenges of the engineering profession in a rapidly changing environment that exists in a developing country. These challenges require the ability to apply existing knowledge in new ways thereby creating new systems and opportunities as well as adapting existing Engineering to local production conditions. These require the ability to manage service, maintain and improve upon existing systems. develop applied research programs on country the development policy and strategy Disseminate the program research and consultancy activities to the industry Accelerate industrial linkages through industrial training and consultancy services Strive to create incentive mechanism for researchers at university level Strive to make university salary and benefits competitive Develop and implement a staff development plan that will consider the high rate of staff turnover and practice oriented education Assure the graduate curricula strengthen the undergraduate program and utilize the School's expertise. Arrange short term training and visits to the staff Introduce a full-fledged undergraduate program in industrial engineering through a transitional minor program Assesses the need for Material Engineering program in five years time The program gives more emphasis to practical education to increase the relevance of the program to the industry, keeping the current capacity of 50 students The curricula based on needs of the industry and development to give emphasis to practical education and introduce specialization through electives such as Manufacturing Engineering Plant Engineering Motor Vehicles & Construction Equipment Product Design etc. Strengthen practical instruction in workshop Engineering, maintenance of machinery and laboratory exercise by employing more technical assistants and improving the quality and quantity of facilities Introduce a course in entrepreneurship Develop students skill for modern engineering practice through intensified design projects, CAD, computer based analysis Increase student visualization ability through audiovisual teaching aid systems. Introduce a six month compulsory industrial internship Dear students projects to the country development strategy
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Civil Engineering ProgramAbout the programCivil Engineering is one of the four disciplines within the school of Engineering under Debre Berhan University. The department is striving to provide Stimulating Environment for the free development and Exchange of ideas. UndergraduateB.Sc Program in Civil Engineering Duration 9 Semester study and six month practice Requirement 295-7 credit points
1. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAM1.1 BackgroundDebre Berhan University, under the Ministry of Education, was established in 2006. The university has expanded different schools and faculties to fulfill the objective of the university. School of engineering established in 2009 as a five years course of engineering education and started by Civil and Electrical engineering programs. In September 2010, the school will be expanded to include instructions in Mechanical Engineering and construction technology management programs that the undergraduate program is intended to cover five years. From the previous established universities’ experience, stakeholders and employers have expressed concerns that the graduates of the engineering Programs lack practical and innovative skills. This lack has been coupled by deficiency in communication and managerial skills of the graduates. It is believed that this curriculum has incorporated the necessary consideration that will address the issues raised by stakeholders and employers. 1.2 Vision and MissionVisionWe will achieve our mission by: Devising innovative and customized curricula that prepare for engineering practice, advanced education, and leadership in Civil work sector and technical services Supporting theoretical instruction by workshop, laboratory practices and Civil work visits and practical instruction; Arranging obligatory Civil work internship opportunities for all students through summer employment at least for four months Involving undergraduates and graduate students in applied research Diversifying graduate programs as per the need of the Civil work sectors and the country Encouraging extra curricula student professional activities Students and stake holders’ evaluation of teaching and learning program. Participation of staff in applied research, consultancy service and training that solves technical problems of Civil work sectors and other technical services in the country 1.3 Strategic Goalsi) Increase relevance of undergraduate program to the Civil work ii) Diversify the undergraduate programs in the areas related to Civil Engineering iii) Increase diversity, quantity and quality of academic staff and technical assistants iv) Increase Civil work supported researches and consultancy activities v) Increase attractiveness of the Program to students Achieve high standards for instructional quality Improve effectiveness of student advising Provide effective mechanism for student informal feed-back. Facilitate student access to industrial practice and job placement by working with professionals and entrepreneurs associations. Support student professional clubs and extracurricular activities Professional Profile of Civil EngineeringCivil Engineering is an important and learned profession, which is achieved through academic education at recognized institution. Competence can be developed and enriched by extended experience. It is a profession practiced in civil works development projects with direct and vital impact on the livelihood of the community. More generally, it is useful to provide a framework that gives guideline by which students of civil engineering develop their skills and acquire standardized and relevant knowledge in planning, design, and construction and entrepreneurship concepts during their study time at the university. CORE SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES IN CIVIL ENGINEERINGEverywhere in the world, Civil Engineers are involved in projects ranging from small scale to sophisticated projects. In particular, they carry out different assignments such as planning, design, construction and maintenance of building structures, roads, bridges, railways, dams, water supply and sewerage schemes and the like. Civil engineering is broad term. It is an umbrella field comprised of many related specialties. The core services of civil engineering are shown in the following sub-sections. General -Contract Administration -Analysis and Design -Structural Design Activities: -Water Works Design Activity: -Transportation Facilities Design: -Material Testing: -Construction Management: -Deciding method of construction -Devising temporary works -Selecting appropriate equipment -Manage construction activities and available resources including planning, scheduling, cost estimating, controlling and reporting. -Project site exploration -Identification and classification of material in the field -Conducting field tests -Laboratory tests on soils, rocks and construction materials -Feasibility studies -Photogram metric and desktop study -Soil and material investigation -Environmental impact assessment -Traffic count and axle load study -Detailed geometric design -Pavement design -Preparation of bill of quantities and engineering cost estimate -Provisional and final acceptance -Railway route design -Design of airfields -Bridge design -Pre feasibility and feasibility study -Water supply scheme for urban and rural areas -Sewerage and sanitation facilities -Storm water drainage and flood mitigation schemes -Dams and other hydraulic structures -Hydropower development -Irrigation and related Infrastructure -Solid waste management -Environmental protection works -Water resource development and management -Pre design study -Project program development -Topographic survey -Scheme design -Preliminary design -Final design -Preparation of bill of quantities and specifications -Cost estimates, Tendering -Provisional and final acceptance -Review and approve design. -Develop design standards, design aids, guidelines and hand books. -Consult with architects and specialized design engineers to integrate design in terms of aesthetic and technical requirements. -Review and approve contractor’s program, method and schedule. -Supervise projects to ensure that drawings, specifications, materials and workmanship are as specified in the contract. -Check and approve measurement of work executed. -Administer claims and disputes. -Issue engineering instruction and variation order, check and approve variation order. -Conduct provisional and final acceptance. -Conduct studies on cost of construction, materials, labor, equipment and productivity. -Manage construction activities and available resources including planning, scheduling, controlling and reporting. -Supervise technicians and technologists. -Plan and organize the maintenance and repair of existing civil engineering construction works -Teach the fundamentals of civil engineering and undertake basic and applied research activities. -Provide innovative and economical solutions to problems encountered in the field. -Working in a multidisciplinary environment and acquire knowledge and skill that allow civil engineers to practice in associated areas of sciences and engineering. -Keep abreast of new technologies in civil engineering and provide orientation and/or training to subordinates as required. -Depending on the engineering tasks one is undertaking or the position one is holding, a professional Civil engineer working in Civil work facility can have professional titles and/or job specifications like Structural Engineer, Pavement Engineer, Highway(Road) Engineer, Material Engineer, Utilities Engineer, or management title/job like General Manager, Technical Manager and rendering consultancy services in the field. 2 .GENERAL OBJECTIVESThe general objective of the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program is to provide broad-based education and training in Civil engineering and its applications leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree, to enable graduates to meet the challenges of the engineering profession in a rapidly changing environment that exists in a developing country. These challenges require the ability to apply existing knowledge in new ways thereby creating new systems and opportunities as well as adapting existing Engineering to local production conditions. These require the ability to manage service, maintain and improve upon existing systems. Develop applied research programs on country the development policy and strategy Disseminate the program research and consultancy activities to the Civil work Accelerate Civil work linkages through Civil work training and consultancy services Strive to create incentive mechanism for researchers at university level Strive to make university salary and benefits competitive Develop and implement a staff development plan that will consider the high rate of staff turnover and practice oriented education Assure the graduate curricula strengthen the undergraduate program and utilize the School's expertise. Arrange short term training and visits to the staff Introduce a full-fledged undergraduate program in Civil engineering through a transitional minor program Assesses the need for Material Engineering program in five years time The program gives more emphasis to practical education to increase the relevance of the program to the Civil work, keeping the current capacity of 50 students The curricula based on needs of the Civil work sector and development to give emphasis to practical education and introduce specialization through electives such as Earthquake Engineering Construction Management Geotechnical Engineering Road and Transport Engineering Structural Engineering Hydropower Engineering Hydraulic Engineering Irrigation (and Drainage) Engineering Water Resource Engineering Geodetic Engineering Material Engineering Environmental Engineering Safety Engineering etc. Strengthen practical instruction in Civil Engineering works, maintenance of machinery and laboratory exercise by employing more technical assistants and improving the quality and quantity of facilities Introduce a course in entrepreneurship Develop students skill for modern engineering practice through intensified design projects, CAD, computer based analysis Increase student visualization ability through audiovisual teaching aid systems. Introduce a six month compulsory practical work Send the students in a different projects to the country development strategy The vision of the Civil Engineering Program, School of Engineering at Debre Berhan University is to be the prime center of Civil Engineering Education and research in Ethiopia MissionThe mission of the Civil engineering program is to offer an outstanding, professionally oriented undergraduate engineering education and conduct applied research and consultancy service that will bring qualitative change in Civil works and technical services in Ethiopia.
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Electrical and Computer Engineering ProgramElectrical and Computer Engineering DepartmentThe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Debre Behan University is at the forefront of education and cutting-edge research in electrical and computer engineering disciplines. The department emphasizes learning by doing and mentors its students to engage them in solving real-world challenges, gain leadership experiences and explore ways to solve problems at a national level, as engineering is a global field. 1. Undergraduate Program Duration of the Program:The program has 5-year duration, including industry internship semester, which prepares graduates for careers as professional engineers. Rationale of the Program:
The department currently conducts teaching learning process in the following four major socialization areas in undergraduate program. @ Electrical and Computer Engineering with Electronic Communication Engineering Focus
Degree Nomenclature:
የሳይንስ ባችለር ዲግሪ በኤሌክትሪካልና ኮምፒዩተር ምህንድስና (ኮምዩኒኬሽን ዘርፍ) @ Electrical and Computer Engineering with Electrical Power Engineering Focus
Degree Nomenclature:
የሳይንስባችለር ዲግሪ በኤሌክትሪካልና ኮምፒዩተር ምህንድስና (ኤሌክትሪካል ፓወር ዘርፍ) @ Electrical and Computer Engineering with Computer Engineering Focus
Degree Nomenclature:
የሳይንስ ባችለር ዲግሪ በኤሌክትሪካልና ኮምፒዩተር ምህንድስና (ኮምፒውተር ዘርፍ) @ Electrical and Computer Engineering with Industrial Control Focus
Degree Nomenclature:
የሳይንስባችለር ዲግሪ በኤሌክትሪካልና ኮምፒዩተር ምህንድስና (ኤንዱስትሪያል ኮንትሮል ዘርፍ) 2. Postgraduate ProgramCurrently the department gives postgraduate study in Electrical Power Engineering specialization with a regular period of study of 2 years with 4 semesters. Objectives of the program:
Degree Nomenclature:On successful completion of the program, the degree awarded will be: In English: Master of Science Degree in Electrical Power Engineering In Amharic: የሳይንስ ማስተር ድግሪ በኤሌክትሪካል ፓወር ምህንድስና
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Information Technology ProgramEducational Objectives and Competency ProfileIT programs aim to provide IT graduates with the skills and knowledge to take on appropriate professional positions in Information Technology upon graduation and grow into leadership positions or pursue research or graduate studies in the field. Specifically, a student must be able to:
GRADUATE PROFILEIn general, the graduates of the program will have the ability to:
ENTRY AND ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSAdmission requirements would be similar to the general institutional requirements. That is, the student should complete preparatory level education and the entry point is determined accordingly by the Ministry of Education for the regular students whereas the admission criteria for distance and continuing education program are as per the University’s requirement. COURSE OF STUDYAs revised at national level the course of study of the program is four years and in these years there are eight semesters i.e. two semesters per academic year (each semester has 16 weeks of which 15 weeks of effective teaching-learning and one week for administering examinations)
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Computer Science ProgramEducational Objectives and Competency ProfileThe primary objective of the program is to produce a high quality graduate with an entrepreneurial and problem-solving mindset. The specific objectives of the program are: Educating and training students for the very dynamic and rapidly changing science and technology market. Educating and training students to become life-long learners by providing them with a sound base in computer science, basic sciences as well as general education. Motivating students to become innovators who can respond very positively to the challenges and opportunities presented by new ideas and technologies. Laying a strong foundation for, and instilling confidence in students who may want to pursue post-graduate studies later in life. Program Outcomes
Entry and Admission RequirementsAdmission requirements would be similar to the general institutional requirements. That is, the student should complete preparatory level education and the entry point is determined accordingly by the Ministry of Education for the regular students whereas the admission criteria for distance and continuing education program are as per the University’s requirement. Course of StudyAs revised at national level the course of study of the Computer Science program is a four year program. And in this four years there are eight semesters i.e. two semesters per academic year. Structure of the programThe program has for years with two semesters in each year. And each semester has 15 weeks of effective teaching learning, and one week for administering examinations. Evaluation systemThe overall student’s workload in ECTS credit point is 234, with an average of 29 ECTS/semester. The modules are categorized in to the following categories: Field Specific Basic Sciences Field Specific Specialization Non Field Specific Subjects Practice and Project
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About College of ComputingComputers are magnificent tools for the realization of our dreams, but no machine can replace the human spark of spirit, compassion, love, and understanding. Louis V. Gerstner, Jr Vision College of Computing aspires to be the chosen college of academic and professional excellence in the field of Computing. Mission
This mission is achieved through the following specific actions:
Values In Computing College, we believe that our success rests on these four pillars. Leadership in education: From the beginning, we designed our programs to prepare our students to be leaders in academia and industry. Our postgraduate programs believe strongly in research from day one, and we consistently monitor our graduate curriculum to ensure that it’s a perfect balance of rigor and flexibility. Our enthusiasm for undergraduate education is unparalleled, and we are consistently working to make our graduates be competent in the nation. The quality and impact of our research: We strive for both high-quality, high impact research, collaboratively and across disciplines. We build things for real users with real-world impact. And we think big, taking risks in our research agendas to support uncommon research areas, to start uncharted research areas, and to dream of projects beyond what a single faculty member could accomplish alone. A supportive culture that brings out the best in people: We live by the Reasonable Person Principle, which relies on mutual trust and support among all faculty, staff and students. We take collective responsibility for our students and faculty, through shared oversight of graduate students and faculty processes, like assigning teaching duties. We presume success, and admit or hire only those candidates we expect to excel. Diversity: Students and staffs in our college are in full respect of diversification. We believe in unity with diversity. Research, Project and Community Service Computing college is working on different research areas and serving the community in addition to the learning-teaching activities. Research Computing College is working on the following computing research areas through research loving staffs to solve problems in the field across the nation. Data mining: Automated prediction of trends and behaviours, automated discovery of previously unknown patterns, artificial neural networks, etc Compiler Design and Machine learning: working on local languages to make the machine understand them for future national projects. Wireless Sensor Network: Detecting, monitoring and managing disasters (especially draught), precision agriculture, irrigation management ICT on Agriculture: the contribution of ICT to implement modern and automated systems for Ethiopian farmers. ICT on Health: the application of ICT to support current health care activities and diagnostics. Projects Computing college is working on the following automation projects to support the academics, research and administrative tasks. Integrated Library System: computing college instructor developed integrated library system for DBU and now the library is fully automated. Biometric Attendance Management System: computing college instructors are working to automate DBU students and administrative workers’ attendance and to make the system to be automated. Compliance Management System: Instructors in computing college are working to handle different complains through automated systems to support DBU administration for faster decision making. Class Scheduling System (Advanced): computing college instructors are developing Advanced Class Scheduling system to handle courses, class rooms and instructors according to DBU academic calendar through online automated systems. Human Resource Management System: computing college is gathering requirements to automate DBU human resource management system and make the task of HRM be easier. Community service Our college is serving DBU and the outsider communities through training and consultancy in the field of computing. We are working by providing medium and high level trainings for high school Information Technology teachers. Fr different staffs of DBU, our college is providing trainings on special software. Computing college instructors are supporting any interested students to provide consultancy and training according to their interest and specialization. Departments and programs Undergraduate Regular
Postgraduate Regular (MSc)
Undergraduate Extension
Postgraduate Extension (MSc)
Undergraduate summer
Programs to be launched in 2009 E.C Undergraduate (BSc)
Postgraduate (MSc)
Facilities Currently there are 12 well-furnished computer laboratories with internet connection through wired and wi-fi network. There is also well organized library including most of the books according to the curriculum of the departments. Quick Facts about Computing College Instructors on duty
Instructors on Education
Students’ Data Undergraduate Regular
Contact Address: 0118961044
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About AcademicsTeaching-Learning Core Business ProcessThe Ethiopian Higher Education system sees in its vision that higher education institutions are responsible for building a democratic system and good governance on the basis of public interest and participation well as producing competent and responsible citizens through research based higher education. VisionDBU has a vision to be one of the known universities in the middle income countries in the world in terms of higher education, research and social services which it offers. MissionIn its mission DBU is committed to:
The Learning-Teaching Core Business Process has established Colleges, Schools, an Institute and a Department offering programmers in different fields of study. The Colleges, Schools, the Institute and the Department are the following:
The Learning-Teaching Core Business Process persistently adheres to the implementation of quarterly-based course delivery system, active learning methods and continuous assessment in order to provide students with the opportunity to actively and effectively participate in learning-teaching activities, and thereby satisfy their ultimate educational needs and goals. In this regard, the academic staff of the university, through updating their knowledge and performance with broadband internet services of the university and with training offered by the university on active learning methods, continuous assessment and action research, make decisive professional endeavors to provide the students with required knowledge, skills and attitudinal change. Contact Info:Tel: 0116816806 Fax- 0116812065 P.O.Box445.
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About LibraryGeneral information about DBU Libraries DebreBerhan University was established by proclamation No 351/1995 which was passed by the parliaments and its building was started in 1997 E.C. As far as DBU Library service was concerned, initially, the students got service in one of the rooms which was given to the University by DebreBerhan Teacher Education and Vocational Training College. There were about 10,000 donated books by the Ministry of Education and the Amhara Development Association. Besides, the University created an opportunity for the students and teachers to use the college library, DebreBerhan Public Library and Mary Stops Library, and later on DebreBerhan University Library was started delivered services in its own building in1999 E.C. The ultimate goals of DBU libraries are to support learning and teaching and research process conducted in the University. i.e. is to provide access of information to support the objectives of its parent organization or the communities they serve. The library should be seen as an instrument of teaching alongside lecture and discussion methods and the librarian serves as a teacher, helping and guiding the students when they conduct research. This is achieved by acquiring materials, organizing them in a manner that permits easy access to their users and ensuring that such access is facilitated by helping and providing the necessary skills to the users on how to retrieve the required information. Currently DBU Library’s has a stock of over 109,644 books and other documents. DBU Library was organized under the main Library and other branch libraries such as, Social Science Library, Law library, Postgraduate and Females Library etc... Each Library avails full services including circulation, reference, Periodicals and documentation sections, thereby providing effective and efficient services. In addition, the libraries are expected to avail services for the users with special needs by providing resources, such as brail and other facilities. DBU Library is expected to have about 33,508 users (31,000 Students and 2,508 Academic i.e. Teachers 1317, Technical assistant 168 and foreign teachers 34/ and Administrative staff, 989). 1. Mission of the Library Debre Berhan University Library serves and promotes the teaching, learning and research environment where information resources are made accessible for those who are engaged in the pursuit of knowledge and excellence in teaching, learning and research. i.e. we are established to support learning, teaching and research process This will be achieved through:
2. Number of Libraries,Collections and seating capacity DBU libraries have made a very good progress in increasing both the quality and quantity of its collection. The seating capacity of one main library and four branch libraries is 3478 at a time. According to the latest inventory, its present collection excluding periodicals is about 109,644 volumes of books and documents of different subjects. The Library is using open system and Library of congress classification system/LCC/. In order to meet its objectives and easy access, DBU Library has organized its collection in one main library and four branch libraries attached to different Colleges of the library. These are:
For more Information Contact Simon W/Agegnehu W/Giorgis (Director of Debre Berhan University libraries) Debre Berhan,Ethiopia Phone: 0911839612 E-mail:
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AdmissionDebre Berhan University, Office of Students’ Academic Record Center is responsible for
and academic status determination,
The entire activities are performed with the help of Student Information Management System (SIMS) software.
Programs Undergraduate programs
Graduate programs
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College of ComputingVision, Mission, Values and Strategic Themes of the CollegeVisionBeing the most preferable college by 2020. MissionProducing efficient graduates by offering quality based and research assisted higher education
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Asrat Woldeyes Health Science CampusOverview of Asrat Woldeyes Health Science CampusThe Institute of Medicine & Health Science formerly called college of Medicine & Health Science was established in 2008 G.c. Currently the institute has tow colleges college of Medicine & College of Health Science. The institute works to achieve the growth & transformation plan by producing competent graduates in the field of Medicine, Nursing, and Midwifery & Public Health officer. The institute is dedicated to provide quality medical & Health Science Education for students who got admission in the university. In order to monitor & meet the standard of quality education the institute has established quality center called medical & Health science education development center .The institute has total of 71 teachers 11 skill lab assistant and 10 administration staffs. In addition to the teaching learning process the institute is actively participated in problem solving research & community services. Under these four programs currently the institute has a total of 753 students. Vision, Mission, Values & strategic themes of the Institute.Vision:Being the most preferable Institute by the year 2020 with excellence in the new medical education. MISSION:
Strategic Themes
Colleges under Institute of Medicine & Health Science
Programs under college of medicineMedicine (NIMEI) Programs under college of health science
Program to be opened in the futurePost graduate programMph (Master of Public Health) Under graduate program
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UNDER GRADUATEUndergraduate Courses:-1. School of Computing Science
2. College of Engineering
3. College of Health Science
4. College of Medicine
5. College of Natural and Computational Science
6. College of Business and Economics
7. College of Agriculture and Natural Resource Science
8. College of Social Science and Humanities
9. College of Law
10. College of Education
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College Of Business & EconomicsEstablishmentOur esteemed College was opened to deliver courses in three programs in 2007 one year after the inception of Debre Birhan University. The programs in which students are streamed to attend training include Management, Accounting and Economics. Previously the title given to the college was Faculty of Business and Economics. In the year 2009/10 as a result of BPR study, the entitlement of college was given. At the present the college is rendering services for regular and extension students. CurriculumThe college has begun course delivery in Economics, Management and Accounting program under the national harmonized curriculum in 2008. Modular course offering came in to being in 2010 after Module books and course guide books were prepared by the modular teams of the college and endorsed by the senate meeting to implement it starting from first year. As a result, courses are offered to 1st year and 2nd year students under the new modularized curriculum. Third year students are being taught under the old harmonized curriculum. According to the new Modular curriculum, degree award will be possible if the students in accounting obtain grades in 37 courses that account 114 credit hours, for management students 39 courses that will account to 117 credit hours for economics students 39 courses that account 120 credit hours. Future PlanMasters ProgramThe college is making all endeavors to extend its program in the future. The imminent training program is postgraduate program in Masters of Business Administration or Economics which will be materialized in two years time. The college is also expected to admit 2500 students from 2012 onwards. Hence, the college will make all efforts to commence new undergraduate training program.
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AboutBackgroundIn June 2011, DBU College of Law was first established and commenced its operation on a department level under the College of Social Science and Humanities. The law program was launched with fifty regular and forty-one extension students enrolled in the LL.B program. During the time of its establishment, there were only four academics and one administrative staff. In 2012, the DBU law department was upgraded to a College level following a major restructuring of academic units in the university and had come a long way since then. In 2018 academic year, the College launched its first LL.M program in Business and Investment Law. Currently, twenty-six students are enrolled in the LL.M program. The number of academic staff has significantly reached above thirty and the number of students has quadrupled reaching two hundred and eighty-seven. In 2016, the first thirty-three batch of the regular LL.B program students have graduated after successfully passing the National Exit Examination. Currently, eight of the academic staffs are on a PhD study leave working in the areas of Human Rights, Federalism, Tax and Investment, and International Trade Law; whereas two academic staffs of the College are pursuing their LL.M studies. Engagements Despite being one of the youngest academic units in the history of the university, the college is making major advancements. The College is striving to create a platform where academic and policy debates and discussions would take place. The college is working to build an epistemic community that would generate fresh insights and informs discourses and decision-making. It is for this strong desire that the college launched an initiative called ‘Eve of Friday Seminar’ with the intention to stimulate debates among our staff on contemporary topics. Cognizant of the need to inspire our students and increase their exposure, the College also prepares public lectures where top-notch scholars are engaged in a conversation with the academic community. The College in collaboration with other stakeholders such as Amicus Media Promotion and Communication organized forums where students of the College debate on current issues. With a view to strengthening our student’s practical skills, the College organized and participated in various internal and external moot court competitions in which the College’s delegates were managed to show their outstanding performance. In addition, the College also believes that improving the capacity of the staff is crucial for the quality of legal education. To this end, the College supported the staff’s effort of capacity building as a result of which various academic staff took short and medium-term local as well as international training which enhanced their capacity. Beyond the teaching-learning process, the College is also deeply engaged with researching a wide range of topics that are relevant to the community of the North Shewa and beyond. Among others, our staff conducted empirical studies on various issues such as on the implementation of environmental impact assessment, inclusive education, accessibility of infrastructures for persons with disabilities, human trafficking, community policing, and on prisoner’s and consumer’s rights (for the list of research studies conducted by our staff, click here). Over the past few years, with all its limitations, the College worked extensively to expand access to justice to vulnerable groups such as women and children through its free legal aid service center. The College renders service ranging from legal advice to court representation free of charge and these services play a significant role in ensuring access to justice in North Shewa Zone. So far the College provides the free legal aid service in four centers two of which are located at Debre Berhan while the remaining two are located in the neighboring towns of ShewaRobit and Chacha. In July 2013, since its establishment, the College’s free legal aid service served more than 10,000 clients and the service has an estimated value of more than 2.3 million Birr. In addition to the College’s academic staff, fourth and fifth-year law students also participate in the provision of the service with close supervision of the academic staff. The College’s community service engagement also includes the provision of various training deemed to fill the gaps in the legal knowledge and skill. In this regard, the College provided numerous trainings to employees of various institutions of North Shewa Zone and Woreda under the Zone such as the Police; Women, Children and Youth Affairs; Labor and Social Affairs (click here for the list of some selected training programs conducted by the College’s staff). We are also extending the tentacles of our community engagement in the area of environmental protection by establishing an Environmental Law Center within the College. This is in consideration of the rapid flow of investments in DebreBerhan town where the university is located. The town has been making a headline for ‘drooling investors’, both local and foreign, since recent times. Owing to its proximity to the center; sustainable peace; and quick investment service delivery, the town is attracting a large number of investors and emerging as an industrial hub in the country. While it is evident that these investments are opportunities that contribute to the economic development of the town and beyond, they are also environmental risks to the surrounding community. In 2018, around one thousand seven hundred local residents approached DebreBerhan University College of Law Free Legal Aid Center seeking legal assistance against the pollution allegedly caused by a tannery. That triggered the College to establish a task force not only to respond to the complaints but also to extend its investigation on other factories which are claimed to be a pollutant. The task force composed of three senior members of the College academic staff selected four factories and conducted a thorough investigation in cahoots with environmental offices and enforcing agents. The findings were finally compiled as a report and submitted to the regional environmental office, which led a further investigation by a team of experts from the office and Abay Basin Authority. Inspired by the College’s contribution in bringing the matter to the attention of the relevant authorities and taking apposite legal measures, the College has decided to establish an ‘Environmental Law Center’ with the aim to:
In this respect, we are collaborating with both the federal and the regional environmental offices to mitigate the environmental risks looming with the large inflows of investment. Collaborations The college is also collaborating with institutions both local and international to strengthen our engagement in academia, research, and community service. Currently, we are collaborating with institutions on the following projects: The Belt and Road Initiative Leadership Education Network The Belt and Road Initiative Leadership Education Network is a three-year project funded by the British Council UK-China-BRI Countries Partnership Fund and led by the African Leadership Centre (ALC), King’s College London, as a joint collaboration between: - College of Law, Debre Berhan University; Centre for African Studies, Peking University; Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi; Department of Political Science, University of Pretoria; Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Buea; Department of History and International Studies, University of Jos; Department of International Relations, Obafemi Awolowo University; College of Law, Institute of African Studies, and the University of Legon. The project aims to utilise and adapt the ALC’s unique Leadership training programmes, to develop transferrable and scale-able Masters-level Global Leadership Modules through online and blended learning. In September 2019, as part of the project, DBU College was able to participate in the meeting of the “Universities Network on Global Leadership, Peace and Development: Creating Educational and Societal Transformation”, held in London Addis Ababa University Centre for Human Right In 2018, DBU College of Law and Addis Ababa University Centre for Human Rights started collaboration after the Centre donated 250,000 Birr to the College of Law legal aid service. The College utilized the donation by undertaking its legal aid service which in return benefited thousands of clients. Since 2019, Addis Ababa University Centre for Human Rights opened the Centre intended to promote human rights of vulnerable groups; and provision of legal aid service. In this respect, the staff of the DBU College participated in the delivery of the service and the promotion of human rights through local radio programs.
Contact us Dean Office Tell: +2518961088 Email: Facebook: DBUCL-Debre Berhan University, College of Law/ ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ- ሕግ ኮሌጅ ( %E1%89%A5%E1%88%AD%E1%88%83%E1%8A%95-%E1%8B%A9%E1%8A%92%E1%89%A8%E1%88%AD%E1%88%B2%E1%89%B2-%E1%88%95%E1%8C%8D-%E1%8A%AE%E1%88%8C%E1%8C%85-581636598866260/)
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COLLEGE OF EDUCATIONCollege of Education overviewVisionThe College of Education (COE) at the University of Debre Berhan, envisions a state and nation where every individual has equal access to life-long learning and opportunities for healthy development and where each person’s distinct abilities are cultivated from potential to achievement. We bring to this vision a dedicated and highly-regarded faculty, staff, and student, committed to equity and social justice, who encirclement diversity and community as central to the process and outcomes of education, and who seek and bring research-based innovation to our most intractable educational problems. College PrioritiesEquity and DiversityWe will become a renowned institution which improves the educational opportunities and outcomes in classrooms filled with diverse learners by preparing and supporting educational and human development researchers, practitioners and leaders committed to goals of equity and achievement for all. Innovation and CreativityThe COE will become an influential institution for using the learning sciences to understand how people learn in the 21st century. ResearchWe will create research-based knowledge that will guide and enable all stakeholders to work, prosper, and make informed decisions as the boundaries of knowledge continue to expand. PartnershipsThrough partnerships, the College of Education will be a catalyst for learning, research, and action. Resource Allocation and Administrative EfficiencyTo fulfill the university’s vision, the College will commit to the highest standards for efficient and effective use of its resources. Maximize operational efficiency at all activities. Academic ExpansionThe COE is committed to providing the highest quality graduate and professional education at Doctoral and Master’s levels. College of Education will offer Master and doctoral degrees, programs which provide in advance both programs place COE will be the finest in Ethiopia. GoalTo support the University’s vision to transform while enhancing the college’s build nationwide, the COE will intensify its efforts to offer its own majors and students across campus an outstanding and rigorous educational experience. There will be:-
መማር ማስተማር ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ1999 ዓ.ም የመማር ማስተማሩን ስራ የጀመረው በEducation Faculty በ7 Department እንደመሆኑ መጠን በመደበኛው መርሀ-ግብር 955 ምሩቃንን በዘርፉ አፍርቷል፡፡ በአሁኑ ሰዓት በክረምቱ መርሀ-ግብር ከመላ ሀገሪቱ የተውጣጡ ዳይሬክተሮችና ሱፐርቫይዘሮችን በመቀበል በትምህርት አመራርና አስተዳደር (Educational Planning and Management/EdPM) የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ ለመስጠት በ2ዐዐ3 ዓ.ም የጀመረ ሲሆን፡-
በ2ዐዐ8 ዓ.ም 5ዐዐ የሚሆኑ የPGDT ተማሪዎችን ተቀብሎ ለማሰልጠን በዝግጅት ላይ ይገኛል፡፡ HDP ስልጠና የስነ-ትምህርት ኮሌጅ በዩኒቨርሲቲው ዕቅድ በመመራት የትምህርት ጥራት ለማምጣትና ለማስጠበቅ የሚያደርገውን ጥረት ከመቼውም ጊዜ በበለጠ ትጋት በማገዝ ላይ ይገኛል፡፡ ይኸውም በኮሌጁ ስር ያሉትን የስነ-ትምህርት ባለሙያዎች በማስተባበር በቀጥታ በመማር ማስተማሩ ተግባር ከመሰማራት በተጨማሪ በልዩ ልዩ የአቅም ግንባታ ተግባራትን በማከናወን ላይ ይገኛል፡፡ ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲን ጨምሮ በሌሎችም የከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት የሚሰጠውን የትምህርት ጥራት ለማምጣትና ለማስጠበቅ የሚቻለው የመምህራኑን የማስተማር ብቃት ወደ ላቀ ደረጃ ማድረስ ነው፡፡ ይህም በመሆኑ የስነ-ትምህርት ኮሌጅ ዩኒቨርሲቲው ከተመሰረተ ጀምሮ በየዓመቱ በርካታ መምህራንን HDP በማሰልጠን አስመርቆ ወደ ስራ አሰማርቷል፡፡ HDP በአጠቃላይ መልኩ የመምህራንን የማስተማር ጥበብ ዘመናችን በሚፈቅደው ዓይነት በተግባራዊ ልምምድ ጭምር የሚሰለጥኑበት በመሆኑ ለከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋም መምህራን እንደሙያ ፈቃድ የሚወሰድ ሆኗል፡፡ ከ2ዐዐዐ ዓ.ም ጀምሮ እስከ 2ዐዐ5 ዓ.ም ከዩኒቨርሲቲው መምህራን በተጨማሪ ከደ/ብርሃን መምህራን ኮሌጅ እና ከደ/ብርሃን ጤና ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ 438 መምህራን ለምረቃ ያበቃ ሲሆን በያዝነው 2ዐዐ7 የትምህርት ዘመንም 40 መምህራን ለመመረቅ የሚያመቃቸውን ስልጠናና ተግባር እያከናወኑ ናቸው፡፡ በዩኒቨርሲቲው ከምንሰጠው የHDP ስልጠና በተጨማሪ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር በሰጠን ኃላፊነት መሰረት በደብረ ብርሃን መምህራን ኮሌጅ የሚሰጠውን የHDP ስልጠና ካሁን ቀደም እንዳደረግነው ሁሉ የModeration /ክትትል/ ስራ በወር 1 ጊዜ በማድረግ ስልጠናው ደረጃውን የጠበቀ መሆኑን እያረጋገጥን እንገኛለን፡፡ ስነ-ትምህርት ኮሌጅ በዩኒቨርሲቲው የሚሰጠውን ትምህርት ጥራት ለማስጠበቅ የመምህራን አቅም በትምህርት ዘመኑ መጀመሪያ ከሚገነባባቸው አይቀሬ የስልጠና መስኮች አንዱ ልዩ ልዩ ስነ-ትምህራታዊ /Education/ ስልጠና ሲሆን በዚህ ስልጠና Student Centered Teaching and Learning Approach, Active Learning, Continuous Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation እና Modular Approach of Teaching and Learning System ተካተውበት በዩኒቨርሲቲው አዲስ ለተቀጠሩ፣ ከትምህርት ለተመለሱና በዝውውር ለተመደቡ መምህራን ሲሰጥ ቆይቷል እየሰጠም ይገኛል፡፡ ማህበረሰብ አገልግሎት የስነ-ትምህርት ኮሌጅ በዩኒቨርሲቲው በሚሰጠው የማህበረሰብ አገልግሎት መስክ ትምህርት ጥራት ለማስጠበቅ ልዩ ልዩ ስልጠናዎች በመስጠት ጉልህ አስተዋጽኦ እያደረገ እንደሚገኝ እሙን ነው በዚህም መሰረት፡-
ጥናትና ምርምር ስነ-ትምህርት ኮሌጅ በዩኒቨርሲቲው የሚሰጠውን ትምህርት ጥራት ለማስጠበቅ ችግር ፈቺ የሆነ ጥናትና ምርምር አካሂዷል፡፡ ሀገራዊ ፋይዳ ያለው ችግር ፈቺ ጥናትና ምርምር ማካሄድ በ2ዐዐ7 ዓ.ም ከተቀመጡ ቁልፍ የውጤት መስኮች አንዱና ዋነኛው ሲሆን የስነ-ትምህርት ኮሌጅም ይህንን የዓመቱን ቁልፍ የውጤት መስክ ለማሳካት ባስቀመጠው ዕቅድ መሰረት 3 የተጀመሩ ጥናቶች እያካሄደ ይገኛል፡፡ የእንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ማሻሻያ ማዕከል /ELIC/ በከፍተኛ የትምህርት ተቋም ውስጥ የማስተማሪያ ቋንቋው እንግሊዘኛ እንደመሆኑ መጠን የእንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ማሻሻያ ማዕከል /ELIC/ የተለያዩ የእንግሊዘኛ ማሻሻያ ኘሮግራሞችን በማዘጋጀት የመምህራንን ብሎም የተማሪዎችን የእንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ክህሎት ለማዳበር በእጅጉ እየተነቀሳቀሰ ያለ ማዕከል ሲሆን በእዚህኛውም ዓመት የተለያዩ የክርክር መድረኮችን በተለያዩ ርዕሰ ጉዳዮች በማዘጋጀት፣ የፊልም ምሽቶችን በማዘጋጀት እና እንዲሁም ለት/ቤቶች የተለያዩ የእንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ማሻሻያ ስልጠናዎችን በመስጠት ላይ የሚገኙ ማዕከል ነው፡፡
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College of Agriculture & Natural Resource ScienceOverview of the College The College of Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences, was established in 2007/2008 academic year, with two under graduate programs; Department of Animal Science and Plant Science. This year, 2018, is 10th anniversary of the founding of our College. At this time we have; Agricultural Economics, Animal Science, Horticulture, Natural resource management and Plant science departments in under graduate programs and six post graduate programs (Agronomy, Animal Nutrition, Animal Production, Plant Protection, Soil Science and Soil and Water Conservation). In addition, we are doing need assessment, curriculum development and validation activities for different undergraduate (e.g. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Forestry, Veterinary Laboratory Technician, etc.) and graduate programs (e.g. Animal Breeding, Agro-forestry, Plant breeding, Horticulture, Wild life and Ecotourism, etc.). Currently our college has over 800 students, 97 academic staffs, 18 administrative staffs and 9 technical assistants. In addition to teaching learning, we engaged in different research activities and community services which are reserved by the university in different agro ecological sites (Such as Ankober Herbal medicine preparation and biodiversity conservation project, Shewarobit Project and research center, Debre meaza, Chacha and Metehbilla) to improve the livelihoods of nearby community. We also try to collaborate with local, regional, national and international organizations who are working in agricultural sector. Vision and Mission of the College Vision To be center of excellence for the University and College of choice among other Agricultural Colleges in the country by 2020. Mission
Under graduate programs in the college
Graduate programs in the college
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COLLEGE OF NATURAL AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCECollege of natural and computational science has been established in 2009 by admitting 209 students in four departments. Currently it has five departments. i.e.,Biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, sport science and under mathematics department there is post graduate program which is called mathematical modeling. VisionTo be the college of choice and center of excellence for Debre Berhan University. MissionCNCS producing highly qualified professionals in the field of science by offering standard and research based higher education/training. Undergoing thematical and problem solving research’s in science and related issues for the benefit of the society/country. Providing need-based community services to the surrounding community.
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Aboutየፕላንና መረጃ ዳይሬክቶሬት 1.1. የክፍሉ ሚና የተቋሙን የዕድገት አቅጣጫ የሚያመላክት አሳታፊ የረጅም እና አጭር ጊዜ ዕቅድ ማዘጋጀት፣ ሥራ ላይ መዋሉን መከታተልና መገምገም፤ የአፈፃፀም ሪፖርቶችን ከሚመለከታቸው ዘርፎች በማሰባሰብ አጠናቅሮ በካውንስል፤ በማኔጅመንት ኮሚቴ እና በቦርድ በማስገምገም ለት/ሚ/ር እና በተወካዮች ምክር ቤት ለሠው ሀብት ቋሚ ኮሚቴ ማስተላለፍ፤ የዩኒቨርሲቲውን የተለያዩ መረጃዎችን አሰባስቦ በማጠናቀር እና በማደራጀት ለሚመለከተው አካል በወቅቱ ማቅረብና መረጃውን ተደራሽ ማድረግ እንዲሁም የዩኒቨርሲቲውን ፕሮግራም በጀት ጥያቄ ማዘጋጀት እና የተመደበው የመደበኛ፤ የካፒታል እና የውስጥ ገቢ በአግባቡ ለታሰበው ሥራ መዋሉን መከታተል ነው፡፡ 1.2. የክፍሉ ራዕይ በ2012 በዕቅድ የሚመራና በዘመናዊ መረጃ የተደራጀ ዳይሬክቶሬት መሆን:: 1.3. የክፍሉ እሴቶች
1.3. በዳይሬክቶሬቱ የሚሰጡ አገልግሎቶች 1.3.1. ዕቅድንበተመለከተ፡-
1.3.2. ሪፖርትን በተመለከተ፡-
1.3.3. መረጃን በተመለከተ፡-
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ACADEMIC & QUALITY RELEVANCE DIRECTORATEMandate: The Directorate derives its mandate from the University’s vision to offer customer-based quality services and academic excellence, stated in its Learning-teaching Core Business Process (BPR) study report. Hence, the mandate of the Directorate is quality assurance and quality enhancement with a view to realize Debre Berhan University’s vision through a customer-based quality services and academic excellence. Vision: By developing Quality Assurance cultures, and Standards and Assessment Services in all programs of Debre Berhan University (DBU), the Directorate aspires DBU to excel in quality educational, and research and community services. Mission: To establish, maintain and improve educational quality standards. Background: In accordance with higher education institution jurisdiction stated on proclamation No 650/2009 article 22, and the BPR document of DBU, the University established Academic Quality and Relevance Directorate in 2010 aiming at providing quality education and produce competent graduates. The directorate is headed by a Director and accountable to the office of the President. Though there have existed efforts to maintain quality in DBU since 2006, to further these efforts the Academic Quality Assurance and Relevance Directorate of DBU was initiated through the recommendations of the BPR document by 2010. The Academic Quality Assurance and Relevance Directorate is close to 4 years of experience, and as young Directorate, it has made a remarkable progress in carrying out its mandates. To mention some major achievements of the Directorate, it has conducted an Institutional Quality Self Audit (in 2012) and facilitated an external Institutional Quality Audit by HERQA (in 2013). The Directorate also has formulated Quality Assurance policy based on the harmonized Quality Assurance policy developed by 12 heads of Quality Assurance of 12 Universities on a workshop hosted in Jimma University. Now the Directorate is actively engaged in the following main activities: 1) Practicing a Self Audit exercise at a Program level and preparing a Self Evaluation Document of four programs (i.e. Medicine, Health officer, Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering programs) to be submitted for HERQA in order to initiate external quality audit, 2) Developing quality assurance standards and guidelines, and 3) conducting a tracer study and others. Objectives: To:-
Core Values: Core values of the directorates are stated in the Quality Assurance Policy. The Quality Assurance Policy is an enhancement of the quality and standards of the student learning experience and the maintenance of academic standards in the context of an increasingly diverse student population. The following values which all members are expected to exercise in their daily performance of duties are delineated: Community:The staff is committed to the establishment and maintenance of good and productive relationships among faculty members and between them and university management, students, and the community around the university. Diversity: The staff accommodates and appreciates the contribution of all people including persons with different physical abilities, gender, race, religion, ethnic background, socio economic status and political ideology. Love: The staff is committed to the cultivation of the spirit of love to all people within and outside the university. Communication: We believe that most of the social and academic problems in various academic institutions are caused by poor communication. So we are committed to the creation of the environment which will facilitate communication between/among staff members and between them and university management. Discipline: We value of personal and inter-personal discipline includes smartness, punctuality, unsupervised working, respect of authority and decent language and actions. Justice: The staff highly values justice to all members irrespective of one’s physical, social, economic and ideological status. It is committed to the respect of human right, fair and timely treatment of all university members. Integrity: The staff is committed to the cultivation of personal character by which one behaves with integrity both in words and actions. We expect all members to act with honesty, high academic and ethical standards, accountability and transparency. Creativity: The staff is committed to the cultivation of spirit of creativity in the faculty members so that they are innovative in their daily performance of duties at university. Commitment:The staff values the spirit of working with a high degree of commitment. Accordingly, it is determined to educate its members on the importance of commitment in the service to university. Excellence: We highly value excellence in all academic and non- academic activities. We are committed to setting and maintenance of high standards of performance in academic and non-academic activities in the staff. Productivity: The staff judges the degree of performance of its members not only by the number of hours one spends in doing a certain activity but also by the degree of productivity or achievement at the end of that activity. Stewardship: The values committed to proper use, maintenance and development of the resources availed to the staff by the university.
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Gender Directorate1. የሥርዓተ ፆታ ዳይሬክቶሬት ተግባርና ኃላፊነት፣ ተልዕኮ፣ ራዕይ፣ እሴቶች 1.1. ተግባርና ኃላፊነት
1.2. ራዕይ በ2012 ዩኒቨርሲቲው በኢትዮጵያ ከሚገኙ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች መካከል ለሴቶች ትኩረት በመስጠት ግንባር ቀደም እና ፆታዊ እኩልነት የሰፈነበት ተቋም ሆኖ ማየት፡፡ 1.3. ተልዕኮ
1.4. እሴቶች
መሪ ቃል
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HIV/AIDS Prevention & Control DirectorateBackgroundThe HIV and AIDS pandemic is the worst health crisis in recorded history. Further, it has clearly moved beyond being primarily a health and psycho-social issue, to an economic and developmental crisis. HIV /AID, not only threatening the lives of individuals, but also has a significant impact on the functioning of the labor market and the national economy as a whole. Communities of Higher education institutions are among populations groups the most vulnerable groups to HIV infections and SRH problems by virtue of a range of factors such as their age, socio economic, living arrangement, and new environment and so on. It is clearly evident that Higher Education Institutions(HEIs) ,being the critical interface between the labor market and the development of skilled and competent graduates, will not be left untouched by the HIV & AIDS pandemic and SRH problems. In light of this, HIV / AIDS have been identified by Debre-Berhan University (DBU) as one of its priority development goals since its establishment. As a theme it is integrated into many programs such as learning-teaching, research and community services, and may be part of the wider role that DBU as a higher education institution get involved in. To reduce the vulnerability of the university student and stop the spread of HIV/AIDS and SRH problems the office is established in 2006 as DBU anti- AIDS and Reproductive health club by the motivation of Health science instructors and good will and belief of DBU president and vice president. In 2008 “THE MILLINIUM HIV/AIDS AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH COMMITTIE” is organized to strengthen the multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS response in the new millennium. In 2009 the AIDS Resource Center is established with 5 computers and a dial up internet with close support from the national AIDS Resource Center (ARC). Since 2010 DBU HAPCO is opened to coordinate HIV/AIDS and Reproductive health activities of the university and the surrounding community. Now the resource center has a total of 31 computers and different printing materials with full internet access. In 2013 a new youth friendly service center is opened in collaborating with different partners. The office also has been providing free call counseling “minlrdawot” on reproductive health and psychotherapy. VISSIONTo see HIV free graduates and university
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INSTITUTIONAL TRANSFORMATION DIRECTORATEበደብረብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተቋማዊ ለውጥጽ/ቤት ተግባርና ሃላፊነት መግቢያ የለውጥ ጽቤት መስከረም 2004 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ ተቋቁሞ አንድ የጽ/ቤቱ ሃላፊ ተመድቦ የዩኒቨሪስቲውን አጠቃላይ የለውጥ ስራ በመምራትና በማስተባበር እንዲሁም ለለውጥ ስራ አመቺ የሆኑ አሰራርና አደረጃጀቶችን በማጥናትና የውሳኔ ሀሳብ የበላይ አመራሩን ይሁንታ ሲያገኝ ወደ ተግባር እንዲለወጥ የማድረግ ስራ ሲሰራ የቆየ ሲሆን የጽ/ቤቱንም አደረጃጀት በሰው ሀይል ለማሟላት ሁለት የለውጥ ባለሙያ አንድ ጸሃፊና አንድ ተላላኪ እንዲኖረው በማድረግ የተደራጀ ሲሆን በቀጣይ የሰው ሀይሉን ለማሟላት በእንቅስቃሴ ላይ ይገኛል፡፡በመሆኑም ጽ/ቤቱ የተጣለበትን ሃላፊነት በአግባቡ መወጣት ይችል ዘንድ የሚከተሉት ራዕይ ተልዕኮና እሴቶችን ለማሳካትከሌሎች የስራ ክፍሎች ጋር በመተባበርና በመቀናጀት በመስራት ላይ ይገኛል የጽ/ቤቱተልዕኮ፤ራዕይ፤እሴቶችናኃላፊነቶች ራዕይ በ2012 በአደረጃጀት፡በአሰራርና በአመለካከትና አሰራር የተለወጠ ተመራጭ ዪኒቨርሲቲ ሆኖ ማየት ተልዕኮ የለውጥ ኘሮግራሙን በመተግበር የትምህርት ልማት ሰራዊትን መገንባት ፣በተገነባው ሠራዊት በሁሉም ደረጃዎች ጥራት ያለው ትምህርት፣ ጥናትና ምርምርና የህብረተሰብ አገልግሎት በመስጠት ብቁ ዜጋ ማፍራት ነው፡፡ እሴቶች
የማይለወጥራሱ ለውጥ ብቻ ነው የተቋማዊ ለውጥ ጽ/ቤት ደ/ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ
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ETHICS & ANTI CORRUPTION DIRECTORATEThe DBU Ethics and Anti-Corruption Directorate was establish in march 2002 E.C. Under the proclamation number 144/2000 which was established to play paramount rule in the overall Development of the DBU through effective movement of fighting corruption and improprieties, which defined as any abuse of apposition of trust in order to gain an undue advantage. Vision Mission, principles & core valuesVisionThe Vision of DBU Ethics and anticorruption Directorate is to ensure that corruption is no longer an impediment to enhancing development and good governance in DBU by creating a lightly Ethical society that is resolute in combating corruption un waveringly. MissionThe mission is to ensure that the University’s resources go to the desired development projects by expending ethics and anti-corruption education, examining the practices and working procedures in public offices and enterprises and there by plugging loopholes that are believed to be conducive for corruption, exposing, investigating and prosecuting alleged corruption offences where they are committed in public offices and public enter praises. PrinciplesThe DBU Ethics & Anti-corruption Directorate promotes the following principles:- Integrity, loyalty, transparency, confidentiality, honesty, Accountability, serving public interest, exercising legitimate authority, impartiality, respecting the low, responsiveness, & exercising leadership. Core values.DBU Ethics & Anti-corruption Directorate also promotes the following values.
Objectives of DBU Ethics & Anticorruption Directorate.Endeavor to create public employees who do not condone corruption education, work discipline, professional ethics, Consciousness of serving the public and sense of duty among employees. Prevent corruption and impropriety in public offices and public enterprises. Endeavor to cause acts of corruption and impropriety to exposed and investigated and appropriate actions are taken against the perpetrators. Activities/Duties